Why Are Some Babies Born With A Lot Of Hair? – Being Parents

There are  babies who are born with a lot of hair, while others are born with less hair… What explains this phenomenon?

One of the most common pregnancy myths is the alleged relationship between mom’s heartburn and the amount of hair the baby has. It is not uncommon to hear our grandmothers say that if you have a lot of acid reflux, your child will surely have a lot of hair. Fortunately, these two elements have nothing to do with it.

On top of that, you don’t have to worry if your baby is born with little hair. When they come into the world, the strands of hair are very thin and they will fall out over time. Therefore, one should not draw too hasty conclusions on the subject, despite the opinions of the people.

The hair of newborns turns out to be an interesting mystery, since all of its characteristics can change. At first, it can be light or dark, but also take on a totally different shade over the months; likewise if it is smooth at birth, there is a chance that it will stay that way or become curly.

Obviously, the genetic component of mom and dad will have a direct influence on the appearance of the child’s hair. And babies’ hair when they are born can look a lot different than what babies have as they grow older. Let’s see why some babies are born with a lot of hair.

Why was my child born with a lot of hair?

According to the Spanish Society of Neonatology, we have not yet found the reasons for this phenomenon. Experts insist that genetics are the main cause of this characteristic, both in terms of quantity, distribution and type of hair.

There are also certain geographical elements that can have a lot of influence. Thus, people living near the Equator have more hair at birth compared to those living further north, for example. They also differ in texture, location on the body, and quantity.

In general, populations descended from the Andean Indians are those with the most hair all over the body, while the peoples of Asia or the Eskimos  (arctic region of North America and certain regions of Siberia) have less hairiness.

Genetics play an important role in the characteristics of a child’s hair.

But how does this affect the development of the baby in the mother’s womb? Hair follicles, responsible for producing hair, develop from the fifth month of pregnancy. Nevertheless, all this down falls almost simultaneously during the eighth month, so that other stronger hairs grow and remain until the sixth month of the baby.

In some cases, children are born with cradle cap, which causes significant hair loss. It goes away in all cases unless it is a condition called seborrheic dermatitis . If this is the case, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist so that he examines the baby and sets up a follow-up.

How to take care of the baby’s hair?

Being born with little or a lot of hair is mainly determined by the genes of mom and dad. They deserve Anyway, the hair deserves special attention, especially at bath time, where it is recommended to use quality products and to treat them with great tenderness. 

It is important that the shampoo is suitable for the age of the child and that it also has a neutral pH. These types of products are in fact formulated so as not to damage the hair, to treat the scalp, to avoid eye irritation and they are also hypoallergenic.

On the other hand, it is important to ensure that the products have a mild scent, as strong odors usually cause irritation and allergies in children.

Baby’s hair deserves special attention with specific products

After six months, if your child has curly hair, you can use a special conditioner to help detangle, nourish and protect it.  After washing them, dry them well with a soft towel to prevent yeast infection on the delicate skin of the head.

When combing, opt for brushes with silky and supple bristles, which do not damage the scalp. No one else can use it, in order to keep it from yeast infection and lice.

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