Who Are The Digital Natives Or Children Of Digital? – Being Parents

Who are the digital natives or children of digital?

There is no doubt that today technology is part of our life and that thanks to it we can do a lot of things. A few years ago, this was not the case. We weren’t so dependent on technology to do anything. A lot of people have had to adapt to this. Those born with knowledge of technology are called “ digital natives ”.

When we talk about Digital Natives , we are talking about the generation that was born in the age of technology and that has become very proficient in the digital environment. Do you want to know more about them?

two children looking at a tablet

Who are the children of digital or digital natives?

Mark Prensky, writer and speaker on education, introduced the term “ digital native ”. It refers to people born after the 90s. Because they came into the world at a time when technology was of great importance in society. This gives them greater skills and abilities to use digital tools and devices.

The digital natives are excessively dependent relationship with technology because they use them for everything: to study, communicate, buy, entertain, inform, etc.

The cognitive structure of digital natives is also different. When they start working in a company, these individuals bring different values. This is why many companies are taking the characteristics of this generation into account and hiring them to improve their productivity and take advantage of the potential of these digital experts.

6 things to know about digital children

Today, we live surrounded by technology and we are dependent on our phones, our tablets, our computers. The Internet has become an essential part of our lives. Nevertheless, a few years ago it was unthinkable that this would happen. Let’s see some characteristics and curiosities about digital natives.

They tend to have a very high capacity for intuition and logical reasoning

These children are used to relating concepts to actions, so they are always looking for a why in what they are doing. All of this also promotes learning in certain areas related to science and technology, programming, robotics, artificial intelligence, etc. Since, in order to carry out this type of activity, they need that logical thinking that they have to find the solution to all the challenges they face.

They need to interact to learn, it is not enough for them to memorize

When studying, they need feedback to know that they are doing well. For this reason, the best method of learning for a digital native is to feel involved and participate through activities and challenges that make them think that what they are studying is something useful and fun. .

The digital natives are self-taught and like to create content

These children usually do not ask questions of the adults next to them. They go on the Internet and look for answers to their concerns. They are very informed children who, in a few seconds, can cover their need for knowledge through this means. They are also very good at creating interesting content, tutorials, game guides, YouTube channels, among other things. Especially when they are older.

Their mind is much more open

As they grew up surrounded by technology, they know no borders and communicate with people from different places. This generation is discovering a multitude of cultures, customs and ideas, interacting in different forums, pages, online games… They usually have friends from different parts of the world, which makes them much more open-minded and less preservatives.

Digital children are very active on social networks

The digital natives are not only managing a social network, they have mastered them all, and do it with ease. These are children who are connected to the world at all times through the internet. And who also feel the need to share everything they do through these social networks.

A child using a tablet.

This is one of the points that can worry parents the most because their use must be very well controlled. Indeed, an abuse of social networks can cause problems.

The  digital natives are often more eager

They are kids used to getting things right away. Since thanks to the internet we can get anything in a very short time. This is why they eventually get used to the fact that whatever they want can be had immediately, just like in the digital environment. With one click, they download, play or find the information they are looking for.

However, it is important that we instill in them the importance of effort and patience in their lives, two fundamental values ​​for success.

In short, digital natives are the children of the technological generation. They have special characteristics compared to those who grew up without these technologies and had to adapt. They were born when technology was already a big part of our lives. Therefore, their way of thinking and behaving is very much related to it.

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