When Your Baby Touches You, It’s Like You’re Their First Toy – Parenthood

When your baby touches you, it's like you're their first toy

If you analyze carefully, you will find that it makes a lot of sense. Your baby does not understand that you are an adult. He adapts to the world around him and interacts with what he has at hand.

Usually this means that at least the first few days you will be almost the only thing he will be in contact with. Even if there are other siblings, grandparents or uncles, he will spend most of his time with you. This is indeed important, because  these moments give him the first models of his emotions and behaviors. Find out how below.

What is the game?

According to Cynthia Morrison, vice-president of the International Association of Game Libraries,  “the game is an instinct; all people are born with it. This is why, when the baby touches his mother’s face, it is as if he had his first toy ”.

Another author, Pugmire, mentioned that play is the means by which the child can experience the adult world through his understanding and imagination. Through play, you manage to entertain yourself, stimulate creativity and influence development.

Based on this, we can understand that in all cultures and human species play plays an important role in the lives of babies and children. Even adults, we play and represent our reality using different types of games.

The importance for babies of playing with their first toy

The current pace of life requires us to work equally for men and women. It’s not always bad as long as mom and dad remember the importance of being their baby’s first toy.

It is important that you try to play with your child. Not only to make sure he’s okay, but also to bond stronger emotionally. You can include toys and activities that are appropriate for her age that help her develop skills.

While there are many toys suitable for your baby’s age, be sure to spend time with them. Let him discover the world by starting with you.

Choosing the right toys for your baby

Some parents choose to buy all kinds of toys for their babies. Several of them are innovative because they incorporate technology, but they are not always the best.

It is important to choose toys that support your baby’s present and future development. As you search for games, you will see a large amount of choice with widely varying prices.

Instead of choosing the more expensive ones, look for the ones that are also functional. Some games can adapt to different ages of the baby by adding and removing parts.

This way, you build on what you have bought and your baby learns the skills to grow.

Toys should be within reach of your child

By “toys” we mean you and the games you buy for your baby. It is common for moms to look for a certain order when putting toys in boxes. Although this makes cleaning easier, it is more difficult for the child to take what he needs.

When it comes to you as a toy, it is necessary to spend several hours of the day playing with your baby. Let him stroke you, touch you and identify you. You will observe that he also plays with himself.

Enhance the experience by interacting with him. Such simple things as touching her nose or tickling her will allow her to experience new sensations. You can also include stimuli with rattles, small soft balls, and cuddly toys.

To avoid the clutter feeling, you can place the toys in plain sight and give them to him when he asks for them. Another alternative is to take a moment to play with each of the toys.

Technology for your baby, yes or no?

During the first months of your baby’s life, you don’t need to buy tech toys. You will find that most of the time your presence alone is enough because his parents are his first toy and he only needs to spend time with you.

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