When Do Peaks In Breast Milk Production Occur? – Being Parents

When do peaks in breast milk production occur?

For example, many of them wonder if they have enough milk to meet the needs of their newborn baby and what the peaks in breast milk production are.

Peaks in breast milk production are of great benefit to the infant. When do they take place?

You will be able to discover, in this article, how certain hormones influence in this process. Also find out why, as a mother, your role is fundamental in the healthy diet of your child.

Prolactin: responsible for the production of breast milk

Prolactin is a hormone responsible for stimulating the mammary glands to produce breast milk. Therefore, its activity gradually increases from the first trimester of pregnancy.

However,  prolactin does not produce milk immediately.  This is because the levels of progesterone and estrogen generated by the placenta inhibit its action.

When the placenta is expelled, prolactin starts the production of breast milk. This is maintained at high levels several months after birth. In addition to this, the flow of milk is determined by how often the baby sucks.

In other words,  if he breastfeeds often, his milk levels increase. On the contrary, if the little one drinks little milk, the quantity available to the mother decreases.

When do peaks in breast milk production occur?

Prolactin levels increase between 10 and 20 with each feeding of the child. This allows the arrival of peaks in breast milk production.

These peaks reach  their maximum level when the baby sucks on the breast overnight, 20 to 40 minutes after starting to feed. This milk growth can last about 3 or 4 hours.

It is advisable to breastfeed at night because it activates the production of breast milk.

In addition, the times when peaks in breast milk production occur are between 2 and 6 a.m. For this reason,  it is advisable to breastfeed the baby at night as soon as he asks for it.

How does oxytocin work in breast milk?

Oxytocin is a hormone that plays a role during childbirth and breastfeeding. It allows the arrival of milk spontaneously as soon as the baby sucks.

Many mothers can feel the action of this hormone. It  causes a kind of contraction and tingling in the breast. It is a sensation of the arrival of milk. A few drops may even come out. This is called the  rush  of milk.

A mother’s thoughts can stimulate oxytocin. Therefore, they play a key role in triggering the flow of milk. Indeed, simply with the intention of breastfeeding or listening to the child cry, this production is already activated.

On the other hand,  thinking negatively about breastfeeding has an inhibiting effect. This can decrease the amount of milk or even stop it.

Why breastfeed the baby at night?

It is advisable to breastfeed at night because at this time  the production of breast milk is stimulated. It also allows the baby to gain weight.

On the other hand, it has been proven that  when children are breastfed, they sleep more at night. This is due to the relaxing effect of prolactin on mom and baby.

Another reason to breastfeed at night is that it reduces the risk of infections for the mother. It also prevents obstructions in the breasts from the accumulation of milk. This is a very common problem when feedings are too far apart.

“Peaks in breast milk production reach their maximum level when the baby sucks at the breast at night, 20 to 40 minutes after the start of the feed”

Should you increase the amount of breast milk?

In most cases, this is not necessary. This is because every woman is naturally prepared for milk production. In addition, as long as there is stimulation of the breast through the baby’s sucking, there will be enough milk.

However, in some  extreme circumstances the mother must help stimulate lactation.  What are they ? For example, if the baby has lost a lot of weight or is  premature,  it requires rapid growth of milk.

Another factor is the forced separation of mother and child for hospital reasons.

Oxytocin is the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk.

In these cases, the doctor may prescribe certain drugs with galactogenic effects. The most common is domperidone.

Another solution is extraction. This practice  involves pumping milk for 5 minutes on each breast. For this, we use a  breast  pump every hour of the day.

During the night we leave a rest of 4 hours. This operation also activates prolactin. This allows for a rapid increase as well as peaks in breast milk production.

Ultimately,  peaks in breastmilk production help your baby meet his milk needs  to grow up fast and healthy. This is, without a doubt, an aspect that all mothers should pay attention to and follow in their daily life.

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