What To Do With A Child Who Does Not Want To Eat? – Being Parents

What to do with a child who does not want to eat?

In the case of a child who does not want to eat, the mother and the rest of the family worry, get frustrated and lose their means,  depending on the extent of the child’s lack of appetite. When a child does not eat well and does not receive all the nutrients that his body needs to grow and develop,  he becomes vulnerable to various sufferings that will plague him from childhood and throughout his life.

To perform all these functions, the human organism requires the energy supplied by food.

No one can live without eating. This idea is clear to adults, but  it is difficult for children, for example, to detach themselves from toys to go for a snack, or to realize that they must eat in order not to get sick.

It is therefore mum and dad who take care of feeding their child well.

What to do with  a child who does not want to eat ? Should we force it? Should we let him not eat?

This article will help you answer that question.

Children magically stop eating

A child who does not want to eat gets tired and loses his appetite if he sees all the food on the same plate

There are stages in the life of little ones that are characterized by a loss of appetite for certain foods.

If, for example, they loved beans, it is very likely that one day they will suddenly reject them.

It is also possible that the child, as if by magic, spends weeks accepting only to eat  rice  and spitting up vegetables, meat, mash and other dishes that his family will invent for him to eat.

Striving for adequate nutrition is the best investment you can make for your body and mind.

-Anonymous quote-

No wonder the moment arrives when he begins to eat something that he previously rejected and made him disgust.

Feeding children is like an act of magic: you will never know what the end will be.

There are children who eat a lot from an early age and carry on for the rest of their lives. They never lose their appetite.

Others, on the other hand, fluctuate between different stages of inappetence and good appetite that completely baffle parents.

The fact that a child stops eating in stages and eats a little more, after a certain period of time, is normal and peculiar to childhood.

But what to do when a little one finds himself in this moment when he does not want to eat anything?

Here are our tips.

Some advice for the mother of a child who does not want to eat

Dear mother, if your child is one of those who, at times, stops eating well, and you are faced with the urgent and painful need to juggle so that he swallows food, we recommend that you take these tips into account. :

Let him eat the foods he likes

Let your child eat whatever he likes as long as the food is not the fast food type of food.

If, for example, he likes blancmange, yogurt, milk, cheese, ice cream and wants to eat them for lunch, that’s fine, let him eat what he likes; after all, these foods all provide their quota of fats, vitamins and minerals, which her little body needs.

It is better for him to eat than to be left on an empty stomach.

Invite him to participate in the preparation of the dishes

Even if your child is small, they will love to be by your side while you cook until they are all over the place with the ingredients.

Let him be active in figuring out what he’s going to eat,  and even if you don’t teach him good manners, encourage him to step up and taste the dish you’re making together.

It will whet his appetite. Eventually, if he doesn’t want to eat the recipe once it’s done,  at least you’ll have the peace of mind that he’s munched on something while you are making it.

Vary its menus

In the case of a child who does not want to eat, choose to offer him always different recipes: colorful, with pretty attractive designs like happy faces, boats, houses (fruits and vegetables are perfect for this. kind of decorations).

The important thing is to try to see which foods and in what form he assimilates them best.

Give him a spoon to eat on his own

Even if you are in front of him feeding him, let your child practice with a spoon and at least play with the food.

We know that it can be a huge disaster and that in the end he will not eat a single bite; however, this distraction and feeling independent can motivate him to eat.

Never force it

If your child eats a few spoons and you notice that he doesn’t want any more, don’t force him; it will only make the situation worse.

Serve food separately

Have a variety of small dishes on hand with the foods served separately.

A child who does not want to eat gets tired and loses his appetite when he sees all the food served on the same plate.

Therefore, we recommend that you separate everything. For example, if you give him soup and he eats only two spoons; well, stop, put the soup aside and bring him the rice.

Then do the same with the rice, leave it and give the meat, then go to the salad plate… and so on.

If your  child  tastes a bite or two of each dish, you may be satisfied because they have eaten something.

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