What Can Be Done To Get Children Into The Habit Of Studying? – Being Parents

What can be done to get children into the habit of studying?

You can create learning strategies. You can also help them adopt the right attitude so that they view education positively and as a tool for their future.

Getting children to study can be a big challenge, as it is not an activity specifically described as fun . Nonetheless, you want them to get into the habit  so that they can achieve all of their goals  and of course meet academic goals.

Creating the habit of studying regularly is not the responsibility of the school.  It is a team work of which the pillars are the parents. However, this great responsibility must not become your rock of Sisyphus nor an ordeal. In reality, this can be done in a very easy way.

First, we must adopt the attitude of a guide.  We will thus feel that  we are participating organically in the learning process. So we can exercise our authority, but we will not be the only ones making the effort. We must be there to accompany, guide and help them, not to take the path for them.

As mentioned earlier, our work goes beyond “controlling” our children. It’s about channeling the learning process in a fluid way. Thus, we do not overwhelm or demotivate our children. Certainly there will be days that are more difficult than others. But, in general,  the dynamics must be pleasant.

Create good habits for studying

Create good habits

Next, you have to keep something in mind: not all children are created equal. Therefore,  the pace of learning can always vary. There will be times of learning faster than others. Sometimes it will be necessary to stop and repeat the content several times to be able to assimilate it. The important thing is that we do not pretend to establish a habit of working from night to morning.

As with any habit, you have to put in place an organization that consists essentially of: perseverance, patience, consistency. For this, we will have to set a schedule (of an appropriate duration, depending on the age of the child) and maintain it over time. We will be able to see later how the schedule, although it varies, does not imply that he gives up the activity. Once the school curriculum has started, it is important to follow a few recommendations:

  • Suggest strategies to facilitate learning, depending on the content.
  • Determine a place to study and do homework.
  • Encourage children to share the knowledge acquired or better still, to put it into practice.
  • Promote a relaxed atmosphere so that responsibility is taken with a good attitude. But above all, we must not neglect leisure. After all,  free time also contributes to the development of our children.

    Create good habits for studying

    Help them adopt the right attitude to study

    It is not easy for children to start school. We must take into account that we must not oppose work and play. Of course, everything in life is not a game, but  work is not a punishment for having played, far from it.  It is simply a necessity that must be taken care of in order to be able to achieve all the objectives and goals.

    We probably need to exert some pressure. As for them, they may feel a little disoriented and wonder what the point is for them. Also, they can go through some periods of negative results. Children find themselves blocked, demotivated or defenseless in the face of lack of concentration or stress. Therefore, your task of shaping his attitude towards studies will be part of the key to later success.

    So, if you manage to include techniques for successful strategic learning and not by repetition, the results will be all the better since they are already comfortable. Children must learn to realize the dimensions of their effort, in terms of personal benefit. When the child is successful, he will feel motivated to move on.

    In conclusion, to achieve what children study, we must actively participate day in and day out. As in other cases, our example will be very important to them. They will no doubt notice that we genuinely care about their well-being and progress.

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