Week 32 Of Pregnancy: What’s Going On? – Being Parents

Week 32 of pregnancy: what's going on?

At week 32 of pregnancy, the baby continues to grow in weight and size, in addition to having well-developed nails and brains. It is important that you continue to attend your medical appointments while preparing for the baby’s future arrival.

If you would like to know more about its evolution and what symptoms you might be experiencing these days, we invite you to keep reading.

How is my baby doing at week 32 of pregnancy?

With the ecosonogram, the doctor will assess your baby at the 32nd week of pregnancy.

The long-awaited date is approaching! Little by little, your baby is looking more like the final shape he will have on the day he is born and he is hardly missing anything. It measures, on average, between 41 or 43 centimeters and weighs 1.6 or 1.8 kilograms in weight.

Indeed, he probably already has strong, but tiny fingernails on all of his fingers. These have a high collagen content, which explains the importance of a balanced diet during pregnancy to provide all the nutrients for your little one.

Even though he seems to be kicking all the time, he actually spends more time sleeping than awake. In fact, he already has a well-defined sleep-wake cycle and is probably resting quite well, although that doesn’t always let you sleep!

Speaking of nerves, his brain should already be very well developed. The small grooves that divide the brain lobes are usually quite obvious. This increases the surface area of ​​this organ and facilitates the creation of more neural connections.

If all is well, he should already be in a cephalic position. This means that the head is down, an ideal position to be born naturally. Hope everything goes as planned!

What are the feelings of the pregnant woman?

Even if everything is going well in the womb, you may still have some discomfort. Stay tuned for the following:

  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating : If this happens, see a doctor immediately, as it may be a urinary tract infection. When severe, they can cause problems during pregnancy and even precipitate them.
  • Edema  : It may be normal for your feet to increase in size, given the baby’s weight and that he may be compressing some vessels in the pelvis. If you develop edema in all of your legs, see a doctor.
  • Back pain : You’ve probably felt it in the past few weeks, but as the baby gets older the symptoms may be more bothersome.
  • Headaches : Anxiety, stress, and hormones can cause a number of aches and pains in your body, including headaches. Try to take only pain relievers prescribed by your obstetrician.

Is it necessary to go to the doctor during this period?

Yes, even if your doctor has scheduled your appointment at a different time, it is important to have a prenatal visit during that week. It may seem annoying to you (especially when ultrasonography is not indicated), but it is always necessary to at least check its heart rate.

There are many cases in which mothers do not go to the obstetrical consultation before the end of the pregnancy. If this is yours, most likely the doctor will ask you for some of the following studies:

  • Complete blood count.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Serology for HIV and VDRL.
  • Urine test.
  • Basic obstetric echosonography, or with Doppler effect in some cases.

Recommendations for week 32 of pregnancy

If all of your medical concerns are in order, it is very likely that you have a lot of plans in mind. We recommend the following to make this time as memorable as possible:

  • Seek support from your partner, friends and family.
  • Organize meetings with your loved ones.
  • Think about where the baby will sleep and how you want to decorate their room.
  • If you need help with clothes or other things, write everything down on a list and divide the responsibilities with your partner.
  • If you have other children, make sure they understand that a new member is coming into the family. They shouldn’t feel like they’re too much.

    Some questions about week 32 of pregnancy

    We now answer some of the most common doubts of pregnant women at this point.

    1. Am I well prepared for breastfeeding?

    At the 32nd week of pregnancy, it is convenient to learn the principles of breastfeeding.

    This aspect is very important and generally overlooked. Breastfeeding is vital for the first few moments of your baby’s life, and although it may seem simple, it can become uncomfortable (even painful) if the proper technique is not learned.

    We recommend that you consult your obstetrician or future pediatrician on the most effective breastfeeding methods. Even if the birth is not there yet.

    2. Will I need a cesarean?

    It depends on each case. This is usually a decision that can only be made by the attending physician. Because the risks of a cesarean section are often greater than those of a normal childbirth.

    In case of pathology of the mother or the baby, a cesarean section may be indicated. For this reason, your doctor will most likely plan with you the best time to perform the procedure.

    3. Can I already know if it is a boy or a girl?

    Yes, in fact, from week 20 it is possible to find out. If the information has not yet been given to you, you can ask your doctor the next time you have an ultrasound.

    Week 32 of pregnancy: a moment to remember!

    As the special date approaches, it is important that you know how to enjoy the most important moments in your life. Put work aside for a bit and focus on your loved ones. You will not regret it!

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