Week 24 Of Pregnancy – Being Parents

Week 24 of pregnancy

In week 24 of pregnancy , the baby does not stop moving. At this point, it is floating in the amniotic fluid and moving all the time. He tends to sleep 20 hours a day, even though the mom has an active lifestyle. Also, the baby’s heart rate during this week is a bit slower.

In week 24 of pregnancy, the fetus does not stop moving, there is still plenty of room in the amniotic fluid.

Characteristics of the fetus in week 24 of pregnancy

30 centimeters long

During this week, the fetus measures 30 centimeters from its small buttocks and weighs 600 grams. The baby’s skin begins to develop and forms a protective layer containing keratin. The outer layer of the skin reduces the amount of fluid the baby loses. Its contours are rounded and  take the shape of a newborn baby.

Baby’s lungs

In  week 24 of pregnancy,  the baby’s lungs develop further, are already stronger and function better. Although the baby is not yet ready for the outside world, he is already well formed.

During this week, the lungs begin to align their branches and  produce surfactants. Surfactant is the substance in charge of correct functioning. Sometimes the rib cage shakes a bit with the hiccups, this is quite normal.

The premature baby

Babies are sometimes born at this time of pregnancy. In this case,  doctors need to know how to provide care and treatment to keep the baby alive. In order to save the child, intensive care must be provided because this phase is very delicate. Many premature babies born during this week die because their lungs are not well formed.

Why do hiccups occur in fetuses?

Fetal hiccups are a completely normal exercise for the lungs  . Babies often experience it during pregnancy and throughout life. Hiccups allow them to prepare to regurgitate milk. The  week 24 of pregnancy  is known as the age of fetal viability.

What are the changes in a woman’s body during week 24 of pregnancy?

During this week, the female body experiences a tremendous amount of changes. Stretch marks appear, they can be concealed or avoided with a good diet.

The expectant mother can do exercises if the doctor allows it. Indeed, many exercises exist for pregnant women, the most important is to consult a doctor before putting them into practice.

Why do stretch marks appear?

The  stretch marks  occur because the body is subjected to distension, it causes stretch marks in the buttocks and breasts. They can be reduced with creams, a good diet and the gym.

Hot flashes during week 24 of pregnancy

At this stage, the woman begins to  suffer from hot flashes  and sweats more due to her increased weight and increased blood circulation.

Pregnant women can find ways to cool off or see their doctor to control hot flashes. It is essential to stay hydrated at all times  and to wear light clothing.

Wash the folds of the body

Due to being overweight, a woman may develop folds on her body such as under the breasts. It is important to wash as often as necessary and to dry yourself well to avoid irritation.

Tiredness and pallor

During week 24 of pregnancy, the woman is pale and tired, she may even have dizziness and anemia. This symptom is very common during pregnancy because iron levels drop dramatically. The red blood cells decrease and the baby asks for a lot more, which affects the body and generates anemia.

Well-being during week 24 of pregnancy

If you plan to travel during this week, take some precautions. Traveling by car is contraindicated because this phase is very delicate and complications can arise. Instead, travel by plane or train. Never travel on a motorcycle when you are pregnant.

Some modes of transportation can cause nausea and vomiting. If this is your case, try to avoid them.

During week 24 of pregnancy, pregnant women are not recommended to travel by car.

At this stage, the belly has already grown, which is why  the woman begins to suffer from pain in the spine. If the pain worsens, it is advisable to consult a specialist, never take medication. Self-medication can cause serious and irreparable damage to the baby.

Moms-to-be must be supervised by an expert

All mothers should be followed by a doctor  during each phase of pregnancy. Controlling pregnancy with a specialist helps prevent future mothers from suffering complications. Some babies come with congenital illnesses, so doing tests lets you know in advance.

It is strongly recommended that the mother pay attention to her diet because everything she consumes will have a big impact on the baby. Pregnant women should avoid smoking, taking drugs and drinking alcohol during and after pregnancy. These vices can cause problems in the baby’s body, his lungs may be difficult to develop.

The harmful effects of smoking

Cigarettes can also affect the body without smoking directly,  only its smoke is capable of harming it. Babies’ bodies are much weaker, which is why we must avoid hurting them with bad habits.

Mother’s care

The care of the mother during her pregnancy is fundamental for the development of the child. Moms-to-be should be aware of their responsibility to take care of themselves. Some women are responsible for the illnesses of their young.

A number of malformations are also due to poor management of pregnancy or illnesses experienced during this period. Chickenpox is responsible for many  birth defects  or deafness in children.

If the mother becomes ill, she should consult her doctor who will tell her which medicine she can take. The most important thing is to be aware of your health.

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