To Those Little Superheroes Who Fight Against Childhood Cancer – Parenthood

To those little superheroes who fight against childhood cancer

The superheroes we are telling you about are small in stature but have huge hearts, and they are filled with courage and hope. For February 15, International Childhood Cancer Day, we pay tribute to them, in the form of words.

Strong children with brave looks

I know some of these little superheroes. They are brave children who are fighting this battle against cancer, supported by their families and friends. Children who one day found themselves facing this terrible disease, which occurred without warning, and in the face of which they had to forge a shield of strength and courage.

Little superheroes are innocent, rebellious, impatient, quiet, playful, and even daring children… In the end, they are all children. Each with their own personality and characteristics, different and unique at the same time, but with a common goal. That of winning the battle against cancer.

Childhood cancer: we are all in the fight

These little superheroes struggle to wake up smiling every day despite the storms. When you look at them, you can see in their eyes that the glimmer of hope is stronger than their fears. Even if sometimes, their fears are also invited into the landscape.

It is in these times that their parents, families and friends pick up their brushes to paint a gray sky in another color, where the storm cannot come. They all fight together.

But there are times when the gray can’t fade, and little superheroes have to learn to live with that color. A color that finally illuminates them in gold, so that they fight like the shining stars in the sky that look at us every day. Guides to those other superheroes who are still struggling.

Child wrestlers with supportive coats

The smiles of these little superheroes emerge to remind us that their struggle is constant and persistent. But also to tell us that with our support, the difficulties are covered by layers of protective and necessary affection.

These are the blankets of love, sewn with threads of hugs and unconditional support. These threads are the ones who consolidate the struggle and the strength. Thus, if at any point his resistance falters, the child can feed on whatever his family, friends, and professionals and organizations can provide.

Give them all our love

These little superheroes are the main characters in their stories. However, we must not forget that there are many ways we can help. A kiss, a word of support, a smile, a hug, the advance of treatments or the investment in new research.

Everything is necessary, from the smallest gesture, to the greatest details and remedies. Because superheroes also need the rest of the world to advance their battle.

Our mission: to accompany them, to love them and to give them strength. This will help them remember that they are often stronger than they think. Because being superheroes is not easy, but their struggle is so great that they will never be forgotten. Their greatness is remarkable, for it requires great qualities and an enormous dose of courage. They are courageous children, resistant children.

We are one, We are one

This year, many children around the world wanted to make their voices heard, as an act of support for all the superheroes who are fighting in the battle against childhood cancer. Thanks to the initiative of the International Confederation of Childhood Cancer, with the creation of a song written by Christophe Beck, the composer of Frozen. It is the song “We are one”, translated into French by “We are one”.

The chorus says:

The song “We are one” is a great symbol of support that conveys feelings of love and lyrics of strength. A nice gesture that makes us realize that the fight is not from one but from all of us. Because the blanket we form nourishes the little superheroes with affection, gives them strength and new opportunities. By thus contributing to a battle which is our common battle.

To you, to all these little superheroes who get up in the face of a new struggle every day, with your smiles in shields, even if a big gray cloud accompanies you all the time.

To you, little superheroes who give us so many life lessons and make us rediscover the essence of the value of life. For you, today are our words filled with love, support and strength.

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