The Positive Three Attention Calls Technique – Parenthood

The positive technique of the three attention calls

When it comes to educating children, it is very important to apply positive discipline so as not to hurt their self-esteem and safety. Here we are going to take a look at the technique of the three attention calls to correct the little ones when they are not listening to us.

It is essential not to employ negative behavior and treatment towards children as this affects their attitude and behavior in a negative way. This technique helps to attract children’s attention in a positive way and is quite effective. You want to know more ? Read on!

The technique of the three attention calls

When your child is not paying attention to you, you must surely have to tell him a million times to do this or that. Despite this, he still does not listen and this causes you, most of the time, to get angry, lose patience and raise your voice. Now, this is precisely what you should avoid doing.

Positive education of a little girl.

Shouting and harsh behavior end up hurting the child and their self-esteem. And we parents end up feeling bad for yelling or talking badly. Therefore, we should not get to this point to avoid harming his emotional development.

This technique of the three attention calls is effective and  children eventually get used to these three points  behind which there will be consequences if they do not do what is asked of them (loss of rewards or privileges, but no punishment).

While screaming brings short term results, it has more negative long term consequences. It is therefore better to avoid them. Thanks to the technique we are talking about here, although it will take a while for the results to appear, we will prevent a lot of future problems.

How to use this technique of the three attention calls?

It is important to take into account that, when we use this technique of the three attention calls, we must do it gradually and control the tone of our voice during the three phases.  Its very important.

First call for attention

In this first call, we will use a calm and quiet tone. We can even ask the little one to perform a certain action lovingly: “Can you pick up your toys, please?” “.

Second call for attention

If after the first call the child still does not listen to us, we must move on to the next. Here, the tone of voice must be more serious so that the child realizes that we are not joking and that he must do what we ask him to do.

Third call for attention

If the first and second call had no effect on the child, we will need to apply the third attention call. From now on we will use a much firmer tone of voice and, being completely safe, we will ask him again  to do as we ask him and we will talk to him about the consequences if he does not obey.

We will always resort to loss of privilege and never to punishment. So, if the child is listening, we will give him something he wants, but not something material: watching a movie together, playing with him, cooking his favorite meal, etc.

If, despite this, the child does not do what we ask him to do, we will tell him in an extremely serious tone that it is not right to disobey and  that he must do as he is told, even if it is. must be an order.

A father talking to his daughter.

What should be considered when applying this positive technique?

  • We should not be too demanding and ask him to do several things at the same time  because he might get confused and not pay attention to us. We must, therefore, give it two tasks at most.
  • Also, we need to talk to him about the consequences that will follow if he does not obey. Thus, over the course of this technique, he will realize the importance of carrying out this action during the first or second call for attention.
  • We will be careful with the words we use  and will never use any expression that may hurt or offend him. When the child does what you ask him to do, show him your gratitude with great tenderness.
  • When we ask him to do something,  we will explain to him why he has to do it.

About the three calls for attention

This technique of the three attention calls can be very effective if we do it correctly. We should always tell ourselves that if we are angry or upset, it is better that we take a few minutes to calm down before resorting to it because otherwise we might say something hurtful to the child.

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