The Phillips 6.6 Method For Teamwork – Being Parents

The Phillips 6.6 method for teamwork

Isn’t it motivating when you work as a team and when you move in the same direction with your friends or colleagues? Yes, certainly. The so-called Phillips 6.6 method of working in a team has precisely this purpose: to make a group of people understand each other and cooperate to achieve common goals.

What is the Phillips 6.6 method?

The technique or group dynamic called Phillips 6.6 is valid for working with large groups or a group of six people minimum. It consists, to put it simply, that the members of the group, divided  into sub-groups of six people, can discuss a topic for six minutes  and come to a conclusion.

Teamwork is a skill that can be learned. It can also be very useful in different areas of life. Thus, the Phillips 6.6 method can be used both in school and in professional contexts, to teach team members to make quick decisions to achieve a goal.

Group work.

Thus, the dynamic set up by the Phillips 6.6 method aims for people to participate, discuss and get a lot of information in a short period of time. For this, it is important that the theme around which the discussion is centered is very clear and specified in writing.

Steps to follow to set up the Phillips 6.6 method

The process that must be followed to carry out the dynamic proposed by the method is as follows:

  • Divide the group, if there are many, into sub-groups of six people. If it is a small group, we will only work with one group. It must be made up of at least six people.
  • The person leading the method should explain to the group what it is and what the standards for action are. It should also formulate the question or theme around which the debate will revolve.
  • In each group or sub-group, we will choose a secretary, who will be in charge of controlling the time. In addition, he / she will take notes of what other participants say.
  • The process consists of  each member of the group presenting his opinion, his opinion or a concise argument. The different points of view are then discussed and a summary is drawn up on the topic addressed.

The importance of the Phillips 6.6 method to improve teamwork

The Phillips 6.6 method for working in a team allows you to develop a dynamic within the work group. This facilitates and promotes intervention and decision-making. In other words, it helps people who are part of a working group to participate in a succinct discussion on a concrete topic. It also helps to use time rationally.

Teamwork is an important methodological instrument for creating synergy within the group of people. More concretely, the Phillips 6.6 dynamic is useful because it encourages group members to work collaboratively.

She ensures that the functioning of the group is more than the simple contribution of each member taken individually.

On the other hand, the Phillips 6.6 method is valid because it helps to debate, decide and reach quick agreements. At the same time, it also encourages its members to develop a capacity for synthesis. The people in the group thus learn to organize coherent and concrete speeches in order to present their points of view.

A group of students working.

The benefits of learning to work in a team for children

The Phillips 6.6 method is a dynamic that is best suited for adults or for older children. Nevertheless, it is advisable that children begin to work in teams from an early age, with dynamics applied to group work.

Indeed, learning to work in a team helps children to know how to collaborate and to exchange points of view in a respectful and orderly manner.

Developing teamwork from an early age is a way to motivate and stimulate children. They will thus be less afraid of expressing themselves. This is an excellent strategy for the development of social and communication skills. In addition, it promotes interdependence in children, as well as their autonomy.

Through joint work with their peers, children learn values ​​such as responsibility and solidarity. By working as a team, they understand that the success of things depends on each of them and on the sum of the work of all. Besides, it can be fun, right?

Finally, it is necessary to stress that  the diversity of opinions and experiences of children is made possible through teamwork. They learn to dialogue in order to reach agreements based on acceptance and respect for differences. This gives all children the same opportunities to express themselves and be themselves.

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