The Kumon Method: An Autonomous Learning System – Being Parents

The Kumon method: an autonomous learning system

The Kumon Method is a Japanese system that seeks to develop children’s learning potential. It is based on two programs: a mathematics program and a reading program.

This method, rather than pursuing the acquisition of specific skills, aims to prepare the learner for independent learning. This will require acquiring a habit of continuous study and an individualized learning plan.

How did the Kumon method come about?

The Kumon method was created by the Japanese Toru Kumon in 1954. This teacher first developed a mathematics program, since his son had difficulty in this subject.

Later, he will also create a reading program or language, which will give birth to the current system.

Kumon firmly believed that every child has the potential to excel and their skills are yet to be tapped. It is therefore necessary to have a learning method that allows the maximum expansion of the capacities of each child.

self-taught learning by the Kumon method

The objectives of this learning

The practice of this method focuses on an individual and personalized study plan, in which each learner advances at their own pace. Following the philosophy of Professor Kumon, children arrive at:

  • Know the basic concepts in mathematics and language.
  • Improve their concentration, organization and study method.
  • Develop their full potential.
  • Increase their self-esteem and self-discipline.
  • Feel more motivated and satisfied on a personal level.
  • Being self-taught, they will be able to study on their own.

What is it based on?

This system has two branches – mathematics and language – and in each of them the progression and processing of matter is different.

However, in all cases, we start with progressive exercises which become more complicated as the child progresses.

The method of learning mathematics is based on basic repetitive exercises, such as sums, subtractions, multiplications and divisions. Thus, these exercises become more and more difficult to reach an advanced level.

The one to learn language, on the other hand, focuses on the different stages of reading and on the formation of words.

The keys to this method are regular learning and the self-taught approach. The teacher is actually a guide who will reinforce the weak points of the learner and who will program points to do. He may also give some “leads” occasionally ”to help solve certain activities. But he doesn’t teach classes as such.

At what age to start ?

One of the main characteristics of the Kumon method is that there is no defined age to start using it. Although it is recommended to start as early as possible, there is no age limit.

Learners can develop their potential from a very young age through university.

Everyone studies at the most suitable time according to their abilities, without age or school level limits. Thus, learners can enjoy at their own pace and gradually the learning and satisfaction of achieving good results according to the effort they have invested.

The Kumon method values ​​self-learning, that is, self-taught study. This is done through reading and thinking, revisiting the problems until you can solve them without help.

The essential role of parents

Although the goal is for the child to become self-taught and know how to take up any challenge, he is not entirely alone during this process. This methodology can be compared to a triangle made up of the learner, counselors and parents.

Learn with your parents and the Kumon method

The family is an essential support for children, especially during the first years of their life. Within the framework of the Kumon method, parents also have a fundamental role which lies above all in these tasks:

  • Write down the exercises your child does at home each day. It won’t take too long for you and sharing this study moment with your children can increase the personal satisfaction they get from doing these tasks.
  • Always motivate children. Studying is not something that children generally enjoy, especially if the learning is extracurricular (as is the case with the Kumon Method). Therefore, parents should value the efforts made every day and encourage their children.

Where can you learn the Kumon Method?

Today there are more than 200 centers spread all over Spain. Some are located in schools which offer this method as an extracurricular activity.

The others are proper centers that were created exclusively to develop the Kumon method.

If what you want is to help your child improve their academic performance, there is no doubt that the Kumon Method is the best alternative for them.

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