The Best Example For Children Is At Home – Being Parents

The best example for children is at home

If you want to show that the best example for children is at home, make sure you are a good mirror so that they are reflected in you.

By human nature, children take note of what they see their parents doing and saying. Their curious eyes learn of these actions. Without a doubt,  the example you set for your child is worth more than a thousand words. 

Your little ones notice everything you do. They judge you in your actions and draw their own conclusions.

In general, children love and admire their parents. Therefore, you represent the mirror in which they desire to identify themselves. In other words, if you experience sadness, it will also be his.

Your emotions, your self-esteem and your behavior will also be transmitted to him. Remember: the best example for children is at home.

Parents’ words about their actions

Children quickly realize that parents do not always behave in accordance with what they preach.

For example, they can ask themselves the question with a critical attitude: “Why does my mom tell me not to scream if she then screams?”, “Why does she tell me not to leave the tap on if then she leaves it open? while cooking? ”.

When your child accuses you of something you do wrong, don’t scold him. Rather, show him that you are struggling with your own mistakes and weaknesses.

Children need your love, tenderness, support, to be understood and guided. They need to be listened to, but above all they need examples to follow.

They need to find consistency between what you say and what you do. In this way, they will be able to appropriate the teachings they receive from their parents.

Children copy everything they see and hear from their parents, so the best example for children is at home.

Children and the world

Children interact with the world and shape it with the answers they find to their questions. In other words, if you ask your child to be clean, you have to be too.

Additionally, if you ask her not to speak profanity, it’s important that they don’t come out of your mouth either. Values ​​are not only taught or explained. They should be supported with examples and experiences from parents.

Through the behavior of their parents, children learn about joy and common sense. They also learn to develop their self-control, among other things.

It is important to mention that parents are not the only members of the family who influence the education and behavior of the child.

Grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins ​​or friends who share daily life with the child have a direct influence on his behavior.

The best example for children is at home

The idea that at home we educate in values ​​and that at school we acquire knowledge has become popular. However,  education is in everyone’s hands. 

To make parents feel proud to say that the best example for children is at home, we advise you to follow these suggestions:

  • If you don’t want your child to communicate with others through screaming, don’t yell at them. Also, if you wait until your  child is  interested in reading, read with him and for him. Give her the opportunity to observe you reading.
  • In order to prevent him from blackmailing or coercing others, you should not blackmail him  under any circumstances.

“Children love and admire their parents. Therefore, you represent the mirror in which they want to identify ”

  • Would you like your child to be honest?  Don’t lie to him under any circumstances.
  • If you want your child to enjoy eating  and be curious about other foods, don’t force them to eat what you want and stick to their own pace.
  • So that he develops his own personality and his tastes, do not impose yours.
  • If you don’t want your child to make value judgments about people, don’t judge them.

The best example for children at home is in the actions and behaviors of their parents.

Other tips

  • Is it out of the question that he is typing, you or the others?  Don’t be violent with him.
  • Do you want your child to trust you in any circumstance in their life?  Show him that you  trust  him.
  • So that your little one is not a fearful person, do not educate him with fears and threats.

Ultimately, you need to keep in mind that  anything you say or do is going to directly influence your child’s behavior. He will repeat everything he sees. Never forget: the best example for children is at home.

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