Studies Show That Nausea During Pregnancy Protects The Baby – You Are Mom

Studies Show Nausea During Pregnancy Protects Baby

Perhaps some women have a trouble-free pregnancy, but most of them experience at least nausea. According to recent studies, this discomfort has an explanation and serves a purpose. Apparently,  nausea during pregnancy activates a reflex that protects the baby. Absolutely ! As you can read, some ailments serve to show us that our pregnancy is healthy and going well.

Mornings are usually unbearable when we are pregnant. Most genes start early enough, but everything seems to have been worked out by nature. It seems that  vomiting, nausea during pregnancy and all this discomfort help prevent miscarriages. 

This is undoubtedly good news for being able to focus in a positive way on the fact that what is happening to us has a positive purpose. As we can assume,  if the majority of pregnant women experience these discomforts, it is because it is part of the process. There had already been speculation in this direction and it is now confirmed.

How does nausea during pregnancy protect the baby? 

In the US, scientists from the National Institute of Health,  NIH, confirmed through a study that pregnant women suffer from  nausea and vomiting when healthy. To validate this theory, specialists analyzed around 800 pregnancies, at the time closest to conception.

Woman above toilet suffering from nausea during pregnancy

Of this group of women, 188 suffered losses; that is, their pregnancy has not come to term. By the time they reached  the eighth week, more than 57% of the mothers had experienced nausea, while 26% of these also suffered from vomiting. These women who felt ill-being, had a 75% chance of success, compared to those who lost their babies.

In this context, during the first eight weeks of pregnancy,  if the discomfort is increased, so are the risks. There is a time limit for estimating that a pregnancy is viable, it more or less coincides with the time during which we experience nausea and vomiting.

According to the data collected, the scientists concluded that during the first trimester, the whole organism is adapting. For example,  any toxins and / or pathogens in food should not reach the baby, who is very fragile. Therefore, the mother’s body expels anything that could be harmful, in order to look after the fetus.

Therefore, if the mother does not experience food rejection or eliminates it altogether, it may be letting more toxins  pass through than  is necessary. When there is nausea without vomiting,  the body is probably showing us its ability to distinguish between good and bad.

Possible evolutions

The human body is perfect, what it is able to do sometimes surprises us. Feeling uncomfortable during pregnancy is normal, almost all women experience it. Such discomfort nevertheless indicates  good things. For example,  it shows us that our body is vigilant in front of any new situation. Now we also know that he goes into “mom” mode, from the very first days.

Woman lying in pain

Obviously, the main symptoms of pregnancy appear because  the system tries to block any damage to the developing baby. Nature is made for us to reproduce, which is why we are designed this way. When miscarriages happen, something is missing.

In previous research, scientists have tried to strengthen this hypothesis. That is to say, it was already assumed that it was possible. However, we had failed to obtain relevant information. So far, studies have focused on the memories of women during pregnancy. Therefore,  if we don’t experience overly critical moments, we may not remember all the nausea  we experience on certain days.

During this study, from the eighth week, the mothers continued to be assessed on a monthly basis. And it quickly revealed that the women who lost their babies were the ones who experienced the fewest symptoms.

That is why, despite the troubles caused by pregnancy, according to these studies, they are beneficial for the baby. You are in “mom” mode!

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