Repeating A Class: How Does It Affect Children? – Being Parents

Repeating a Class: How Does It Affect Children?

Have you been told that your child should repeat the year? Repeating a grade, in general, is an indelible stain on a student’s record that will carry it on throughout his life. The decision to repeat a school year must be taken by the teachers, in agreement with the parents. However, in view of the fears that parents have of this measure, it is necessary to analyze many factors such as, for example, how will it affect the child, but also what may be the benefits.

The negative effects of grade repetition

Repeating a grade can have negative effects on self-esteem and on future work opportunities. By not moving to the next class, the child is separated from comrades who until then were his friends. This means he’s going to have new classmates that he might have a hard time befriending because he’ll feel like he’s worse than them and stayed one level below.

From an academic point of view, there will not necessarily always be improvements. In fact, there is evidence that reading comprehension can turn out to be worse than before.

Repeat a class: overworked girl on a desk

The advantages of repeating a school year

If your child has to repeat his year, it is because he has not acquired the necessary knowledge. This knowledge is the basis for learning the teachings of the following year. Without it, it will be very difficult for him to understand the content of the upper class and he will feel lost. Therefore, the best way to reinforce this content is through repetition.

It should be noted that the fact of raising a child over 8 years old without being prepared to the next class not only affects the academic part, but by not following the subjects at the same level as his comrades, he can find himself put apart. Also, this causes the child to give up.

However, the year that is repeated makes it possible to analyze why the student did not understand the teachings . Help must be sought to deal with the problems, both academic and otherwise. If necessary, a specialist should be called in. On the other hand, if the child has to repeat his grade because of illness or emotional trauma, it can be beneficial for him.

When is it not necessary for the child to repeat the year?

The advantages and consequences of repeating a year are not always the same, as they depend on the age of the child. Therefore, the smaller the child, the greater the negative repercussions . This is why having a young child repeat a year should be the last option offered.

It is important to stress that, if possible, it should be given the opportunity to update itself during the holiday period. If the problem persists the following year, it may not be just an academic problem.

Repeat a class: bad report

What if my child repeats?

It is important to keep in mind that if you have come to an agreement with the teachers and decide that your child will repeat their grade, the learning difficulties will remain. These will not go away on their own, like lack of attention for example. For this, it is vital that you take certain measures to improve the situation and avoid going through it again.

It is important that you speak with your child’s teacher about supports and services. In addition, investigate the laws relating to the school. It is important to play with insight and see what are the problems for which the child has not been able to acquire the necessary knowledge.

Involve the child in the decision and never blame them for what happens, nor do they sound like a failure. However, if he has already entered his teens and the problem is discipline, you should let him know. Demand that he take responsibility and help him show him how it will affect his future. Also, look for different ways to work on motivation for studying.

Find out if there isn’t a factor that would affect her performance at school, such as problems at home or group pressure at school. Or, an illness or the change of domicile, the divorce of the parents or the death of one of them. Work with your child to overcome this situation and prevent it from affecting him during the new school year.

In conclusion, repeating a grade can have certain advantages for some children. However, before making such an important decision, there are several factors that must be carefully analyzed. In addition, it is necessary to call on a professional expert in this field, such as educational psychologists, and take this option as a last resort.

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