Positive Phrases To Help Your Child Sleep – Parenthood

Positive phrases to help your child sleep

The best ally of sleep is physical exhaustion. But your child won’t get tired every night after a busy day. It is therefore a good idea to use positive sentences to help your child sleep.

Teaching your baby to fall asleep on his own in his room is a process that requires on your part, like many facets of his upbringing, a lot of patience, love and serenity.

Often your baby is afraid. Or he just wants to be in bed with mum and dad, because it is very pleasant to sleep in company and very warm. Adults who sleep as a couple know this very well.

Learning to sleep on your own is therefore part of your education. And to achieve this, the child must feel safe.

Try to convey this kind of feeling to her, accompany her when she goes to bed, and follow her routine in a respectful manner. Drink a glass of warm milk, wash your teeth and face.

Then getting to bed to listen to mom or dad read a story can help your baby fall asleep quickly.

Sleeping little girl with a soft toy

However, it is possible that just a few minutes after turning off the light, your child will ask you for a glass of water, another story or to sleep in your room.

It is very important that you listen to your child’s call and come back to their room to chat with them, but that doesn’t mean you have to give in to all of their complaints.

It is obviously important to pay attention to it and to listen to it; to drive away his fears, if they exist. But it is also essential that you repeat the rules and that you explain to him that he is learning to sleep like an adult.

It is indeed a question of being firm on the rules. This means that you should avoid negotiating with your child on already established rules. Even if he’s not having a whim and you can talk to him calmly.

Besides, keeping a calm tone and attitude will be of great help in calming him down and helping your child to sleep.

Phrases that help children sleep

Sleeping baby

When your child is in bed and their routine is complete (including story reading and goodnight kiss) and they call you back to tell you that they are not sleepy, in addition to answering their call , you can tell him in a conciliatory tone that it is necessary to be very calm – or focused on his breathing – in order to fall asleep.

Tell him that if he is very calm, he will probably be able to fall asleep in a few minutes.

You can also just say to him: Calm down, darling, don’t worry, stay here in your crib and sleep will come soon. Then give her a kiss and leave her room.

But if he asks you to read him another story, as child educator and therapist Cristina Garcia explains in an article, you can tell him that you’ll be happy to read him another story tomorrow, that you Have already read one to her tonight and it’s time to go to sleep.

Likewise, it is very positive to tell him that you like him very much, but that it is necessary to rest to regain energy and to start the next day having refueled with vitality.

The same therapist explains that when your child tells you that he is scared and does not want to sleep on his own, you can tell him that there is no reason to be afraid because you and his daddy are there to protect it.

You can advise him to hug his favorite doll, if he has one, and tell him that his parents are going to protect him and that he doesn’t have to worry.

You can then advise him to close his eyes and think of pleasant things, such as landscapes, beautiful colors, or something that he likes very much.

Mom reading a story to help her child sleep

Some tips to keep the goal in view

It often happens that your child will call you back to ask for a glass of water.

Although it is very important to hydrate your child before putting him to bed, if he asks you for a little more, you can tell him that it is better not to drink more. Because it will help him sleep through the night without being awakened by a pressing urge to go to the bathroom. He will certainly understand and be quiet.

What can we say to a categorical “I don’t want to sleep”? First, you can value her opinion, tell her you understand, and explain to her that it’s time to close her little eyes. That it will help her feel better and have a good day tomorrow.

And if he says this touching phrase to you “mom, I want to sleep with you”, you can also give importance to his opinion and tell him that you fully understand.

But that he will see that it is very pleasant and very practical to sleep on his own because he can move as he wants, and that is part of his learning.

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