Perlèches In Children: Causes And Treatment – You Are Parents

Perlèches in children: causes and treatment

Perlèches in children are very common. This infection is produced by a fungus or bacteria. It causes pain and discomfort in children, especially when they open their mouths and consume food, which is why they must be treated in time to avoid suffering.

How do you know if your child has pearls?

You will be able to tell if it is a perleche if you notice inflammation and redness at the corners of the lips, crusts or small crevices. There is an odor when you open your mouth.

In babies, crying is always the first signal. As for older children, they will be able to express their pain by telling what is happening to them.

Perlèches tend to be very painful and itchy. Therefore, children usually scratch and moisten the angular cheilitis. This further aggravates the injuries.

The causes of infantile pearls

It is necessary to determine the causes of cheilitis or perlèche of your child. This will allow you to give it the right treatment. In general, they are due to:


The accumulation of saliva at the lip commissure allows the proliferation of bacteria, especially streptococcus  and staphylococcus. A fungus called  Candida albicans  can also cause it. It can be contagious through physical contact with other people.

If the baby is teething, they are likely to catch a perleche. This is because it produces excess saliva and constantly drools.

Vitamin deficiency

Some children are deficient in vitamins A, B, D, folic acid, iron and zinc or show signs of anemia due to poor nutrition. They are therefore more likely to suffer from pearl cheeks. Another common cause is allergic reactions to foods or cosmetics.

Using the pacifier

In the case of babies, the use of the pacifier and bottle can lead to a build-up of saliva at the corners of the lips.

A child with a perlèche

Other causes

  • Using a dental ring or sucking your fingers.
  • Exposure to extreme temperatures, intense cold or long exposure to the sun.
  • Use of an unsuitable dental prosthesis .
  • Nervous disorders.
  • Dehydration.
  • Digestive problems.

Also, if the child is of school age, stress from exams or classroom activities can lead to pearl cheeks. Likewise, it may be due to a virus that the child has incubated such as the flu. Fever can also be responsible.

How to treat pearls in your child?

It is important to take into account that it is necessary to find out the cause of your child’s pearls.

In addition, depending on the degree of the condition, you can consult your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe appropriate medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and bactericidal or fungicidal creams for topical use. If the condition is mild, it can be treated at home with some advice and home remedies.

Here are some of them:

  • Eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Keep the child well hydrated – with water.
  • Maintain good hygiene at home.
  • Frequently dry the child’s mouth with a clean, soft cloth.
  • Apply prescribed creams.
  • Avoid any food or product to which he is allergic.
  • Do not give him hot or very acidic foods.
  • Prevent the child from kissing siblings and others, as it is contagious.
  • If possible, avoid  touching or scratching the affected area.

a girl covers her mouth

5 herbal treatments to treat pearl pearls

You can fight your child’s pearl cheeks with home remedies. Note that this condition lasts between 6 and 7 days. If it persists beyond that, you need to see a specialist.

  • Aloe vera. Aloe vera has moisturizing, anti-bacterial and healing properties. It is thus very effective. To do this, gently rub the flesh of the aloe vera 3 times a day directly on the pearls.
  • Common parietary. This plant cares for angular cheilitis naturally. You can apply a poultice at night.

  • Rosehip oil. It is a wonderful moisturizer and healing. Apply a few drops three times a day. It is recommended to use it when pearl pearls appear.
  • Honey. It has to be natural to be effective. It helps fight infection and is a good healing aid. Before sleeping, apply a few drops of honey.
  • Calendula flower. It is antiseptic and healing. Wash the affected area several times a day or apply creams that contain this plant.

    If your child has pearls, you should not be alarmed. With good hygiene and treatment, you can cure this condition as quickly as possible.

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