My Child, When You Smile, You Erase All Sadness And You Light Up My Hopes – Being Parents

My child, when you smile, you erase all the sadness and you illuminate my hopes

My child, you have no idea what happens when you smile. Because every time you show your face, you pass it on to the whole world, and he laughs with you. You cannot imagine what this noble and generous gesture generates, the nourishment of my soul since you were born.

When you smile, you are showing the best version of yourself. And thus, you begin to erase from the history of my life the most deeply rooted sadnesses in me. So the pain and suffering seem to be slowly anesthetized, obsessed with this aura that you emit.

Even if you find it hard to believe and accept it, my heart, when you smile, you light up my hopes. You become my star and my reason for being. You fill my soul with happiness, you comfort my heart and you nourish my illusions. Your smile has become my salvation, that’s for sure.

Everything that happens to me when you smile

When you smile you soothe me

When you smile I feel the fatigue dying to bring the energy to life. There is nothing more gratifying than seeing this grimace. The most beautiful thing of the human being, which crowns your beautiful face. Looking at the whole collection of your smiles, I see a real party in front of me.

Gray turns to color, and night turns to day if you show your happiness in this simple way. Pride begins to fill me, and I feel the satisfaction of doing things well. I understand the value of peace, and above all, I am giving new definitions to happiness, every moment.

When you smile, I feel the importance of self-realization. And at the same time, I think I am exploding with love. I fall even more in love with your essence, and I embrace your happiness. Your smile is this precious treasure, the only one capable of decorating a whole day, and of inspiring a poem.

Every time you laugh, the whole world stops to contemplate you, and to watch this miracle of beauty. The expression in your eyes is able to give warmth to all of humanity. Malice vanishes in the wrinkles of your little nose.

When you smile, I feel that you are able to rebuild anything that you thought was destroyed. This simple gesture can bring to life what was dead just a moment ago. You can thus understand that beyond everything, life is extremely beautiful, and perfectly imperfect.

When you smile, you heal

Every time I see you stretching your smile so spontaneous and natural, I feel like I’m getting better. You heal the pains, you erase my suffering and you avoid all evil beings. You root out any sadness and take all doubts out of my mind. Also, you clear up my ideas, you become the most formidable center of attention in my head.

When you smile, you are able to illuminate the path we must follow. You dazzle with light every moment and every anecdote that concerns you. You sow happiness and you reap more. In fact, you invest everything you have in love, and you earn all of my unconditional and everlasting affection and tenderness.

Every time you show me that pretty grimace on your angelic face, you wake up illusions and bring my hopes to life. You color the future and bring dreams closer. You feed my soul with untold strength and courage. At the same time, you fill my mind and uplift my soul, you put the pieces of my heart together. And you light up my whole life.

Sweetheart, never stop laughing and smiling

When you smile, I can’t help but believe and trust. In you, in me, in life. In the miracle of being able to know you and to have you as a child. To have received you to learn with you, always by your side. When you smile, I understand that God sent me an angel to heal my wounds.

Every time I see your smile, sweetheart, I understand that I have a new opportunity in my hands. Perhaps the most beautiful and the most precious of all. Growing up, maturing, learning and moving forward with this little grimace, these are your gifts, which I intend to take advantage of.

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