Liquid Diet For Children – Being Parents

Liquid diet for children

A liquid diet is recommended for children when the child is unable to consume solid foods. It is a gastric protection diet that promotes foods that are easy for the stomach to digest and may be necessary for several reasons.

The list of foods suitable for the liquid diet includes those that are easy to chew and swallow. Soft foods have a soft texture and are high in fiber.

As a mom, keep in mind that a liquid diet doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless. It should also not be experienced as torture by the child. Remember that this type of diet is temporary and the child will soon eat solid foods.

In this article, we will discuss the liquid diet for children, explain appropriate foods, and give tips on cooking food.

Liquid diet for children

This type of diet may vary slightly depending on why the diet is started. Typically, it is recommended for a short time, until the problem is resolved.

During this time, you need to make sure to provide the child with attractive foods. It is very important for him to eat well and to get the calories, protein and other nutrients necessary for his growth and recovery.

The liquid diet limits or eliminates foods that are difficult to chew and swallow, such as raw fruits and vegetables, chews, and tough meats. It is a high protein diet, in which fried foods and spicy dishes are not recommended.

Likewise, most cereals and soft drinks are not welcome. Fruits with skin and seeds or seeds should also be eliminated from the diet of the child.

List of foods suitable for the liquid diet

This list includes some of the foods your child can eat if they are on a liquid diet. Don’t forget to add imagination to the dishes to encourage the child!

To eat :

  • Sandwich bread, without crust.
  • Avocado, asparagus and peeled tomatoes.
  • Mashed potatoes and squash.
  • Oats, semolina and cream of wheat.
  • Rice and cooked pasta.
  • Lamb and minced and cooked meat.
  • Fish without bones and cooked tuna.
  • Soup and broth.
  • Pineapple, banana and strawberries.
  • Yoghurt and soft cheeses.
  • Ice cream.

To drink :

  • Some water.
  • Milk.
  • Milk chocolate.
  • Juice.

How to prepare liquid foods

Foods suitable for this diet are easy to digest and can be further softened by cooking or marinating. You can use canned or cooked fruits and vegetables instead of raw or dried varieties.

Also remember to use a minimum amount of oil so as not to damage the child’s tummy. Here’s how you should prepare them:

  • Cut the food into small pieces.
  • Use broth or sauce to moisten food. Soup is a safe and healthy option in a liquid diet.
  • Cook the vegetables until they are tender enough to be mashed with a fork.
  • Use a food processor to blend or puree foods. This will make them easier to chew and swallow.
  • The juices are also recommended.
  • Filter soups containing chunks of meat or bulky vegetables.

    Tips to consider in relation to the liquid diet of children

    Here are the tips you should keep in mind if your child is on a liquid diet:

    • He should eat 5 or 6 meals a day.
    • He should rinse his mouth after every meal to help keep it clean.
    • Eat foods containing fiber so that there is no problem with constipation.
    • The best way is to use calories and protein to vary your diet. So surprise him positively by trying different recipes.
    • Vitamins and supplements can help keep it healthy.

      Finally, we remind you that a liquid diet for children is something following an illness. However, you should keep in mind that this is a great opportunity for your child to learn to eat healthy foods. If you think the returns are good, you can keep some dishes in your regular diet.

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