Infusions To Take During Pregnancy – Being Parents

Infusions to take during pregnancy

Drinking herbal teas or hot drinks made from herbs and plants has always been beneficial for your health. During gestation, when some discomfort associated with pregnancy is usually felt, be sure that a warm comforting drink is ideal.

The question now is which infusions can you take if you are pregnant?

Let’s start from the fact that everything you consume during pregnancy must be approved by the doctor, without exception. Therefore, here are the infusions that, according to nutritionists, will not affect your health. Consult again before preparing them.

First considerations

There are various varieties of infusions that provide health well-being and can be consumed on a daily basis. The problem with this type of drink during pregnancy is that  the frequency of consumption should not be the same.

However, although there are many varieties of herbs suitable for consumption if you are pregnant, many herbal  teas can be harmful for their laxative, abortive, blood pressure or potent stimulant effects .

 Examples are black tea, green tea or tea made from coca leaves, so common in some Latin American countries. So let’s start by identifying the drinks that are strictly prohibited.

Infusions prohibited during pregnancy

The plants listed below are absolutely prohibited if you are pregnant. Indeed,  drinking them occasionally does not reduce their effects on your body and that of the baby. Be careful and remove them from your cabinet for a while.

  • Rhubarb: it causes uterine contractions and can cause abortion.
  • Aloe – aloe and ginseng: they have diuretic effects that can cause diarrhea and, therefore, dehydrate you.
  • Licorice root: its effects can increase blood pressure.
  • Ginkgo biloba: it can cause ailments in the baby’s heart as well as gastrointestinal problems in the mother.
  • Eucalyptus: it causes vomiting and diarrhea. It is also prohibited during breastfeeding.
  • Boldo: it is also considered an abortifacient plant.

There are a multitude of infusions that can be consumed during pregnancy but they must be consulted beforehand with the doctor.

Among the prohibited plants, we also find the following: pennyroyal, sage, rosemary, valerian, fennel, centella, juniper, celery and verbena.

Herbal teas that you can take if you are pregnant

The list of forbidden herbal teas may have left you shot because it contains several of the most common herbal teas. However, here’s some good news with these delicious and healthy options:

1. Rooibos tea

This infusion is beneficial for its excellent flavor and because it belongs to the legume family. For this reason, it does not contain all of the tannins that hinder the absorption of iron,  present in teas.

2. Jasmine infusion

Its aroma provides an immediate tranquilizing effect. In addition, its properties help relieve some  common discomforts  of pregnancy.

3. Lemon infusion

It is delicious and helps to improve stomach discomfort.  In addition, it is very easy to prepare. She is irresistible with a little honey.

4. Thyme

This plant provides the body with many vitamins. It is a good source of antioxidants, iron, magnesium and calcium.

“Although there are many varieties of herbs suitable for consumption if you are pregnant, many infusions can be harmful for their laxative, abortive effects, for blood pressure or for being powerful stimulants”

5. Nettle infusion

It brings many essential nutrients to the body. Its benefits are reflected in the liver and central nervous system. This plant acts as a uterine tonic, it increases hemoglobin and activates the metabolism.

6. Ginger infusion

It is ideal for combating nausea during pregnancy. At the same time, it fights against multiple respiratory and throat ailments . The advantage of ginger is that it can  be used with other spices for cooking. It does not generate any damage in the gestation process.

Certain types of herbal tea can be very beneficial in relieving the discomfort of pregnancy.

7. Infusion of raspberry leaves

The infusion of raspberry leaves is very popular among pregnant women. Indeed, it  tones the uterine muscles and helps prevent miscarriages. 

On the other hand, it provides iron, phosphorus, potassium and various important vitamins such as C, E and B.

Finally, we insist on the fact that  if you wish to take infusions during pregnancy, consult an obstetrician because he is the only one who knows your medical history. 

Using this data, it will be able to tell you what kind of infusion may affect your health, your history of illnesses, or the time of pregnancy you are in, even if it doesn’t seem to be harmful.

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