I Want A Cool Down Bottle For My Child! – Being Parents

I want a cool down bottle for my child!

Have you ever felt that your child’s education was slipping out of your hands when, in the midst of a tantrum or whim, he cries desperately and is inconsolable ? If you don’t yet know how to calm him down immediately, don’t worry, there’s a secret to be aware of: the cool-down bottle.

The Cool Down Bottle is nothing more than an ancient but extremely effective method devised by famous Italian educator María Montessori. Discover in this article its advantages and learn how to carry out this useful tool yourself to cope with the anguish of children.

What is the cool down bottle?

The Cool Down Bottle involves much more than a revolutionary idea for calming children’s crises . It is also an interesting tool to relax their parents, who can put an end to the acute reaction of their child through this idea of ​​Montessori.

So, this fascinating, curious, and effective tool works the same as yoga, meditation, or the candle gaze exercise . In other words, it is a technique for controlling stress that can also help change the minds of adults and children.

However, the Cool Down Bottle is a simple plastic container with water, glue, and glitter that children experiencing sadness, crying, stress, or anger can shake and distract themselves by carefully watching. beauty of sequins and various shapes.

At the same time, while the child is using his cool-down bottle, you can also help him lower several decibels if you talk to him in a pleasant and calm manner, with a lot of love and affection. Another good complementary idea is to suggest that she breathe deeply and breathe out calmly.

cool down bottleHowever, the most surprising thing about this remarkable object is that it not only calms peculiar or transient seizures, but it works in the long term as it gradually sensitizes the child to his breathing. Of course, whenever the child feels overwhelmed, he’ll take the cool-down bottle on his own.

The most precious of this “homemade device”? It is because far from representing a punishment, it serves as therapy to distract and calm the child while developing his concentration and his breathing. Thus, the child has a good time while overcoming his frustration.

What are the advantages ?

For her part, the creator of the cool-down bottle, Maria Montessori, Italy’s first female doctor of medicine, explained that this invention allows children between the ages of two and five to organize their central nervous system in a concrete stimulus. .

On the other hand, science has shown that when a child is stressed, their heart rate and breathing speed up and their mind freezes. But, if the child concentrates on the gentle shower of glitter, an unconscious cerebral order decreases the restlessness.

Simply put, the Cool Down Bottle shows us that there is a certain relationship between this visual pattern and stillness, capable of stimulating a child’s ability to focus and stabilizing their energy levels. This is why its use is recommended during long journeys or times requiring a long wait.

This miraculous calming bottle so effective in relaxing the mind can also be a great hope for parents of restless or hyperactive children. However, be careful with the size and material of the bottle, as this should be appropriate for your child’s age and ability.

I want a cool down bottle for my child! How to achieve it?

cool down bottle

You are probably now wondering how to make your own cool down bottle. Here you will find the necessary materials and the steps to follow. You will see that it is very simple! Remember to use attractive materials, bright colors and make sure that the bottle is not too heavy for the child.


  • A plastic container
  • 2 tablespoons of glue with glitter
  • 4 teaspoons of glitter (color of your choice)
  • 1 drop of food coloring
  • Hot water
  • Transparent shampoo for children
  • Glue gun


  • Mix the materials inside the bottle, leaving a finger of air to allow movement of the elements.
  • Incorporate toys or small figurines inside (stars, animals, hearts, etc.). An alternative is to add fluorescent paint. Take care at all times that no material is toxic.
  • Glue the bottle cover with the silicone gun, making sure it is well sealed and firm to prevent leaks and spills. There you go, your cool down bottle is ready!

What about you, haven’t you tried this amazing method yet? Do not hesitate a second, your child will love it and you will be surprised to see its effectiveness. Everything for children’s childhood to be healthy and happy!

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