How To Improve Language Dysfluence – You Are Mom

How to improve language dysfluence

The vocabulary explosion that takes place between the ages of 2 and 6 in children is sometimes accompanied by certain language problems. We are therefore going to see some tips to improve language dysfluence.

Whenever possible, when the process of language development begins, we should  accompany the child and facilitate communication in order  to be able to prevent or minimize these problems. Do you want to know what to do or not to do to improve language dysfluence? We will explain it to you right now.

How can we to improve language dysfluence?

Sometimes when they start their language acquisition, children have blockages, start to stutter, have difficulty pronouncing certain syllables, etc., and this prevents them from speaking with ease.

It is important that these tips can be maintained over time and that they can be applied both at home and at school. Children will shape their language through what they see around them. 

Teachers and mistresses also spend a lot of time with them, and that is why it is recommended that parents and teachers walk together in the same direction.

A father talking to his son.

Tips to improve language dysfluence

  • Let the children finish expressing their idea and do not interrupt them  or finish their sentence for them.
  • Pay attention to what the child is saying, not how he says it.
  • You don’t have to worry about the way the child talks. If he sees you worried, he understands that it is wrong.
  • Maintain eye contact with the child while talking.
  • Do not try to express what the child wants to say by finishing his sentence. Let him speak using his own words.
  • When the child has finished speaking, you should respond slowly  and use whatever terms he used to explain his idea.
  • In the event that you are performing an activity that requires concentration and where you cannot look at the child, you must make him understand that, even if you do not look at him, you are listening to him attentively and to him. pay close attention.

What should be avoided to improve language dysfluence?

In addition to the things that should be considered in order to improve language dysfluence, there are also things that should not be considered.

Complete your sentences

Never try to guess what he means  or to finish his sentences because this way he will communicate less and less with you.

Interrupt him when he speaks

You must respect your turns to speak. So when he has finished explaining what he wants to tell you, you can start talking. It is important to work on this point, especially if he has siblings: the goal is to respect the speaking turns, because children have less self-control than adults.

Correct it frequently

You should not criticize the way he speaks, pronounces sounds or words, etc. If you do this, the child will eventually see that he is having difficulty and he will get stuck before he is able to pronounce the words or sounds that are more difficult for him.

A mother who talks to her son.

Urge him to finish expressing his ideas

Often, without realizing it, with just one glance, you tell the child that you are impatient to see him finish explaining his ideas. You have to be careful with what you say and your non-verbal language.

Constantly encourage her to speak quickly and precisely all the time

All children are different and have their own pace. Therefore,  every child needs time to organize their ideas and express them. If you tell him to do it quickly, he may end up stuck and stumbling over the words or what he wants to say.

Talk to him very quickly

If you ask him to speak slowly, you cannot speak to him fast. Parents, as we said earlier, are the language model of children. Therefore, the little one will speak the way he heard you do it.

Encourage the child to read aloud in front of friends, neighbors or family members

If the child has a language dysfluence problem and you force them to read or express an idea in front of other people with whom they do not feel confident, you will only make these problems worse. In addition, the child will be even more aware of his difficulties.

About language dysfluence

So you have seen some tips to apply to improve language dysfluence. It is worth saying that, if the language development issues are persistent and you do not notice improvement with these tips, it is recommended that you seek  professional help to have a lookup done. assessment and provide adequate treatment  for the child’s problem.

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