How To Help The Baby To Taste New Foods? – Being Parents

How can you help the baby to taste new foods?

During the baby’s first days and with few exceptions, newborns know that when they are hungry, breast milk is the answer.

This natural formula not only provides them with all the necessary nutrients but also has a unique and special taste that is pleasing to them. A little later, they will have to taste new foods.

Refusal of unfamiliar foods

Indeed, sooner or later, the time will come to expand your menu. Some children will enjoy constantly discovering new flavors. Others, on the other hand, prefer not to take risks and limit themselves to known foods.

In this case, patience is essential. After all, on average, a newborn baby tastes a new flavor 15 times before he or she accepts it.

In addition, not only babies and children can suffer from neophobia (fear of the unknown). Indeed, it is a situation which can also arise in adults which can ultimately include food.

In younger people, this type of disorder can usually be overcome naturally after the age of 5.

taste new foods

Learn by imitation

Parents are an example for children. This is why family habits make the difference. If adults are always willing to taste new foods and innovate with food, so will children.

That’s why the best way to help baby taste new foods  is for you to eat them first. The act of imitating is conditioned by the trust and security generated by family members, including older siblings.

Tips to Help Baby Taste New Foods

Mealtime should always be a positive and joyful experience, without punishment. From an early age, they should be taught that eating healthy and balanced is also fun.

If babies forcibly eat food, it will only lead to refusal. In addition, parents should be aware that  there are some flavors that appeal more than others. 

Without removing the favorite ingredients, when it comes to food with positive values ​​and with few contraindications, we must combine new flavors or what is not very appetizing.

Vary the presentations

Colors  are also part of the baby’s strategies for tasting new foods. It cannot be ignored that often food “enters” through the eyes. If the food is not attractive, it will be difficult to ingest.

Sometimes the refusal of new ingredients  is not related to taste. Indeed, the lack of appetite of the baby can be explained by the presentation and the textures.

taste new foods

A fruit like banana can be visually attractive when cut into small pieces, even in its natural form. However, for a baby, with few teeth, it will be very difficult to chew.

If the fruits which are the cause of the refusal by their texture are presented in the form of a puree, they will not offer such an attractive image but they will be easier to consume.

Let him experiment

Sometimes the refusal is not even based on the fruits or vegetables offered. Some cutlery can be very intimidating. A good way to help a baby taste new foods is to allow them to eat with their hands.

Situations to avoid

Almost often out of ignorance, but also because of the fear of failure to grow, some parents resort to solutions which, instead of helping, hinder the task of including new foods.

Among the most common mistakes is that of distracting babies, for example with television or videos on YouTube. It should be instilled that mealtime is reserved for the act of eating. To be with the family and enjoy the dish.

Without a doubt, the worst mistake is  to use force as a measure of pressure. Some parents practically stick the spoon in the child’s mouth without giving him time to swallow. Ultimately, the baby will associate eating with painful and traumatic situations.

We can also cite the application of a “policy” of punishments and rewards. Situations that can also drift into trauma, just like other unhealthy situations, such as blackmail.

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