How To Fight Fatigue While Breastfeeding? – Being Parents

How to fight fatigue while breastfeeding?

How to fight fatigue? Breastfeeding causes a lot of fatigue and lack of strength in many women. However, you don’t have to worry about this symptom because in most cases it goes away within a few weeks.

Breastfeeding is a very healthy option for a newborn baby  because it provides him with the  nutrients  he needs for his growth and development.

However, it takes a lot of energy and often causes fatigue in mothers. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can beat fatigue . Here’s how to do it.

How to fight fatigue while breastfeeding?

1. A good diet

Eating the right diet is one of the best ways to fight fatigue while breastfeeding. Try to increase your energy by ingesting the nutrients your body needs.

In this sense,  it is advisable to include a lot of protein in your diet to feel full of energy. Simple changes in your daily diet can remedy the situation and help you feel energized.

Adding lean meat, fish, cheese or legumes to your diet will help you increase protein intake. Foods high in fiber can also boost energy since they are digested more slowly than foods low in fiber.

Likewise,  foods rich in iron should be present. Indeed, an iron deficiency at this stage can cause great fatigue.

The best way to fight fatigue while breastfeeding is to eat a diet rich in protein and vitamins.

2. Get more sleep

Since the birth of the baby, you have been sleeping less than usual. The need to breastfeed the baby at night and short sleep cycles disrupt normal sleep,  which leads to severe fatigue.

If you feel very tired while breastfeeding, one of the things you need to do is get more rest. Although it is difficult to get enough sleep when the baby  wakes up crying at night , it is one way to fight fatigue and regain energy.

Try to get your 7-8 hours of sleep whenever possible at night. You can also take a nap during the day when your little one is sleeping. You even have the right to consider asking the family for help looking after the baby when you are feeling particularly tired.

“Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy and often causes fatigue in mothers”

3. Good hydration

On the other hand,  staying well hydrated while breastfeeding and up to date with fluids can also help you regain energy. Dehydration can cause fatigue and reduce your bodily functions throughout the day.

It is therefore recommended  to take a glass of water every time you sit down to feed your little one. You can even drink between two feedings. Either way, make sure you always have a water bottle with you to help keep you hydrated.

4. Exercise

Although it may seem contradictory,  exercise helps you combat fatigue while breastfeeding. When you exercise, an increase in the secretion of endorphins occurs.

It gives you the feeling of being filled with energy. In addition, physical activity increases oxygen levels in the blood.

However,  remember that you should only start exercising after the doctor has given you the green light. This means that your body will need to have 100% recovered after the birth of your baby.

In addition, physical exercise will allow you to recover the figure you had before you got pregnant.

During the baby's feedings, it is advisable to drink a glass of water in order to stay well hydrated and to fight fatigue.

5. Take care of yourself

Finally,  the last tip for fighting fatigue while breastfeeding is to take care of yourself. In this sense, do not forget to carry out checks and receive the necessary medical attention.

Likewise, if you are feeling tired, it is a good idea to have a doctor check-up to check for  possible anemia, thyroid problems, or other medical complications that may arise after the baby is born and cause fatigue.

On the other hand,  don’t neglect your emotional needs either. Indeed, the arrival of the baby can make you feel depressed and exhausted. Remember to trust your family and get the professional help you need.

Finally, remember that  if you continue to feel tired after these changes in your diet and lifestyle, it is recommended that you see a doctor. 

They will consider possible treatments to control symptoms and increase your energy.

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