How To Educate Children In Peace? 9 Keys – Being Parents

How to educate children in peace?  9 keys

Society is moving so fast these days that it is very difficult for us to educate children in peace . We do everything based on the stress, rush, anxiety and impatience generated by this hectic pace of life we ​​lead.

However, we can stop and ask ourselves, and if it were possible to do otherwise? Can we educate in the serenity, calm and understanding of our children?  This should be our goal: to control our emotions, which are often responsible for our overreactions.

Educate children in peace

It is true that we all live with a hectic pace of life. We end our days exhausted and, between bad mood and stress, many times our reactions are not adapted with our children. Because of this speed at which we live, we sometimes forget to be close, to listen and interact with them calmly, to play without paying attention to the clock.

Often yelling, threats, blackmail or disrespect have become common. Home is synonymous with a tense environment, with conflicts between one another, family issues that we have to resolve and, ultimately, it all overwhelms us. For all these reasons, we sometimes educate without balance and value.

A family reunited.

We end up contradicting our words with our actions, we use labels that harm our children. Or, we easily lose our nerves and end up being the worst example of our children’s communication.

How to educate children in peace?

While it may not always seem easy to educate in peace, we can achieve this if we follow an educational model that helps our children’s growth and development. A model based on respect, love, understanding, empathy, affection, understanding with others.

How to achieve this goal? Caring for and protecting our children, being kind and firm, valuing their efforts and encouraging them to empower them with our words . To love them without conditions or judgments, to offer them a secure attachment, to validate their emotions, to love them and to value them.

Through this, we get them to strive to accomplish whatever they set out to do and accept mistakes as part of their learning process.

We must not confuse educating in a positive way and educating by being permissive, without rules, letting everything be done. To educate positively is to accompany the child from a discipline based on respect, it is also to establish limits and rules , to give them responsibility for their decisions and their own lives.

Some keys to educating children in peace

Now let’s take a look at some keys that you can put into practice and take into account to educate your children in peace.

Support with calm and empathy the emotions they feel

We have to explain to them that there are no good or bad emotions. But they’re all there for a reason . We can give them tools so that they learn to identify them, share them and handle them correctly.

Create positive bonds with children by loving and accepting them as they are

Displays of affection, loving words and kisses are essential to educate our children and create positive bonds with them. It is fundamental to show them that they can trust us, to help them whenever they need it and to show love on a daily basis.

Establish clear boundaries and negotiated rules out of calm

Rules and boundaries are positive because they provide safety and trust , bond, and also help children know how to behave.

Know the characteristics of each educational stage

Parents must be the first to know the characteristics of each educational stage in order to understand children’s reactions and behaviors. Their thoughts and thus be able to help them in each of their needs.

Resolve conflicts in a positive way without punishment or threats

Using tools such as active listening and negotiation to find solutions will help resolve issues with empathy.

Trust the abilities of children to educate them in peace

We must let them try to solve their problems independently , by making their own decisions. However, we must also value their efforts and respect their evolutionary rhythms.

Parents in family with their children.

Teaching Important Values ​​for Future Life

Values ​​such as respect, collaboration, solidarity, gratitude, will, honesty, sincerity, etc. These values ​​will help the child to face life with enthusiasm and courage.

Take the time to take care of us, if we’re not well, neither will they

If we as parents aren’t taking care of ourselves and we’re not doing well, neither will our children . Therefore, it is important to exercise, eat healthy, and spend time with friends and family. In order to be healthy inside and out.

Realize that bad manners damage their self-esteem and their personality

Yelling, bad manners, disrespect and comparisons affect children’s self-esteem and personality formation . If we use these means to communicate with them, we generate insecurity, sadness, guilt and pain. Therefore, it is important to apologize and correct it immediately.

Educating children in peace: conclusion

Although it may seem complex, we must learn to educate children in a calm manner. Let us not forget that being parents is not an easy task. It’s like a race where you first get the title and then you go into that race. This responsibility is fraught with difficulties and lifelong learning.

Finally, it is essential to be patient, to offer our love and affection unconditionally. To educate firmly, but with kindness, and to appreciate the way our children grow up happy, but always calm.

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