How To Create Sleep Habits In Your Baby? – Being Parents

How to create sleep habits in your baby?

The first few months of a baby’s life tend to be difficult for parents when it comes to rest. A great way to  help build your circadian rhythm  is to establish sleep patterns. How do you get there?

During the first 4 to 5 months of life,  a baby can sleep between 16 and 20 hours a day. He does not do this continuously, but wakes up each cycle to feed himself and feel the necessary contact with his mother.

Over the months, the number of hours he will need to sleep will decrease. At 9 months old, he will sleep about 14 hours a day.

So that this time harmonizes with the moments of rest of the family, we can set up rituals that accustom children to this rhythm.

In other words, predictability and repetition will provide  the stability the body needs to grow in a healthy way.

The benefits of sleep habits

The main reason why we should create sleeping habits in babies is that it will allow us to adapt them to the rhythm of other people’s lives.

This involves sleeping at night and  occasionally taking naps during the day. In the case of the baby, of course, this last point will not change.

Over the months, the number of hours of sleep your baby needs will decrease.

The  stability  allows the baby to feel more secure and loved. Since he still does not control space and time,  relying on habits signals him that all is well  and that his mother is there to protect him.

Likewise,  it will facilitate the introduction of other activities in this scheme. For example, if he knows that after eating at night he will go to sleep, as a child he may add the habit of brushing his teeth before going to bed.

How to establish sleep habits in babies?

It is not an easy task, but with patience and serenity you will achieve it perfectly. The ideal time to start forging them is between 6 and 8 weeks of life. As a result, your little one will feel more relaxed if you help him maintain a predictable pace.

Some tips to take into account to create habits

  • Let him discharge his energy  through  games,  walks around the house or dancing, so that he can fall asleep more easily afterwards.
  • Gradually move  from more lively activities to quieter ones.
  • Bathing is an essential ritual  to help form sleep patterns in your baby. Its warmth is very relaxing and the feeling of going to bed clean will be extremely pleasant.
  • Try to generate a positive organization. In other words, going to sleep should be a fun activity, not a reason to cry, scream, or kick.
  • Talk to him before going to sleep. Like children’s stories, the time before falling asleep is a great time to whisper and talk softly. There is nothing better than feeling the company of your parents before going to bed.

The ideal time to start forging them is between 6 and 8 weeks of life.

Examples of sleeping rituals for the baby

  1. Play and make him release as much tension as possible.
  2. Give her a hot bath. If this activity disturbs him too much or he just simply does not enjoy it, it is best to leave it for the afternoon.
  3. Feed him.
  4. Take him to his room. As far as possible, the atmosphere should be completely silent and dimly lit in order to reduce its stimulation levels to a minimum.
  5. Whisper in his ear, tell him a story to sleep or sing him a  lullaby.
  6. Rock him until he falls asleep,  if he does not do so directly in his crib.

Creating healthy sleep habits in babies helps provide a safe environment

While this isn’t the definitive fix, it’s a great way to  start setting up baby schedules. It might not work on the first try and take a little while, but you will find that it is worth it in the long run.

There are also other factors to take into account, such as  sleeping position , environmental conditions (light, temperature, bed comfort, etc.) and different methods to help them get to sleep. Remember that it is fundamental that they develop healthy habits.

Plus, when it comes to health- promoting practices  there is no age too early to start instilling them. With patience and steadfastness, you will succeed.

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