How Do You Tell Your Child That You Are Expecting A Second Baby? – Being Parents

How do you tell your child that you are expecting a second baby?

When it comes time to have a second baby, parents not only have to go through a second pregnancy and a new upheaval together, they also have to deal with the possible jealousy of the future big brother or the future big sister.

It is good to know how to manage the situation as well as possible from the start, before the appearance of these famous jealousies. In this article, we are going to offer you some strategies for telling your child that they are going to have a baby brother or sister.

If you have already made the decision to make the announcement to your child, remember that the little ones lack perspective on the future and do not have a good measure of the time that passes.

While there is no right or wrong way to tell your child that you are expecting a second baby, your child’s reaction will depend a lot on their maturity, as well as their age. It is not the same to tell a 2 year old toddler that the baby brother is on his way or to tell an 8 year old.

If your child is 4 years or older, you can tell them after the first three months of pregnancy, when the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is behind you. In the best case scenario, he will be delighted with the arrival of a new member in the family.

But if he is under 4 years old, it is better to wait until the last trimester or until your belly is big. From the age of 8, children are already older. They are better able to understand.

You can therefore tell him the news in a more “adult” way. When it is in the confidence, the child will surely want to be involved in the arrival of the baby. You shouldn’t talk him out of it.

A child draws on the belly of his mother who is expecting a second child

A brother or a sister and a new universe

When your child hears the news, join him in the events by telling him about the ultrasounds or by telling him what is going on in your womb.

You can also allow yourself to imagine together what can happen to your baby during pregnancy. Let him stroke your belly so that he bonded with his sibling from the start. Take advantage of these moments of union to remind him how much you love him, that you are happy and that the baby is lucky to have such a nice big sister or big brother.

It is the way of telling him the news that is important. It can change everything. We advise you to do it in a natural way. If your child is four years or older, maybe they are even looking forward to this news.

Ideally, both parents are there to tell him the news. The arrival of a baby is a family affair. It is a good idea to do this in a time of happiness and elation. The child will associate the arrival of the second baby with something positive. But the most important thing is to start the conversation in a natural way. It is better if the child does not notice any concerns from you.

In addition, we advise you to tell him the news with great joy. Remind him that it is a miracle and something wonderful to have a sibling. In the near future, the two children will be able to play together and they will support each other for the rest of their lives.

Pass this idea on to your senior. He will understand that the arrival of a second baby in the family is the beginning of something precious. It is the promise of extraordinary adventures for both.

A little boy with his baby sister in his arms

Happy news, but also realistic

You can try another strategy. For example, reading her stories about children who are expecting a baby brother or sister. This will help her better understand the situation and her own feelings.

Explain to her what the changes will be in your daily life. Be both optimistic and realistic. For example, he must know that the baby will need a lot of attention, just like him at birth. Infants cannot do anything on their own.

If you don’t knowingly talk to him about details that might annoy him, he’ll have a nasty surprise when the big day comes and he won’t know how to deal with it.

Many parents are afraid that their child will start asking indiscreet questions. Don’t be afraid that your child will ask you where babies come from. On the contrary, do not reject this opportunity to clear up your doubts on the matter yourself.

In general, children mostly want to know where babies come from, rather than how they are made. However, do not tell him stories about storks or cabbages. Talk to him clearly, realistically and without lying. The truth is your best tool.

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