How Can I Stop My Teenager From Drinking Alcohol? – Being Parents

How can I stop my teenager from drinking alcohol?

The binge drinking (fast and intensive consumption of alcohol), advertising and the open bars promote alcohol.

Nowadays,  young people are able to ingest four or five alcoholic drinks in just two hours. Some of them get drunk two to four times a month and their parents wonder, “How can I stop my teenager from drinking alcohol ?”.

Faced with the risks of drinking and other young people’s habits, parents ask themselves: “What can I do to prevent my teenager from drinking alcohol?”. The first piece of advice is to stay calm.

The subject should be broached between parents and children, and lastly with the help of specialists. Of course, not during the effect of alcohol. If the teenager arrives drunk, it is necessary to ensure his safety and to wait until the drunkenness has passed. Then, without reprimands or threats of punishment, it is necessary to dialogue.

My teenager drinks alcohol!

Faced with the question: “What can I do to prevent my teenager from drinking alcohol?”  Experts suggest visualizing possible actions at different stages of consumption. In other words, before, during and after.

As a preventive measure,  parents should provide minors with relevant information about the negative effects of alcoholism on the body. They can also set rules and patterns away from conflicting consumption.

At the heart of the problem,  communication and tolerance are fundamental. Parents need to know if their children drink occasionally or if, on the contrary, they are used to it.

What are they consuming? What are the quantities? Where and with whom do they get drunk? This is valuable information that only young people can give us. Continuous dialogue fosters a climate of trust, respect and tolerance.

Drinking alcohol in adolescence can have a number of reasons.

Even after adopting a pattern of consumption, parents must be present and have an obligation to act. In order to help their teenagers to build their life plans, they must know them well and know how to identify their friendships.

Indeed, it is very important to be attentive to the activities of our children and those around them. In this sense, alliances with other parents under the same conditions represent invaluable aids.

Watch out for warning signs

Whatever the cause of drunkenness, whether it is inexperience or an addiction to the effects of alcohol, the warning signs should be considered. If the child’s concentration and reflexes decrease, if interests are put aside, if the young person spends more money than usual and increases his outings, there may be complications. It is necessary to remain attentive and to know how to prevent.

Maybe classmates have earned the respect of others by taking up alcohol, and your teen wants to too. Sometimes he also tries to copy the behavior of people or loved ones he admires. Drinking alcohol can have a number of reasons.

Some teens feel that alcohol makes them more sociable, uninhibited and powerful. Others find it a way to escape emotional or personal problems. Even if they don’t show themselves often with the bottle in hand, young people will have symptoms of bad temper, lack of interest and bad humor.

We must not blindfold ourselves. Parents need to know and accept when their children drink alcohol. Only then can they help them. Alcohol and its symptoms can be easily spotted.

“Parents should provide minors with relevant information about the negative effects of alcoholism on the body”

How can I stop my teenager from drinking alcohol?

Acting harshly won’t stop your teenage years from drinking alcohol. On the contrary, it can create a state of isolation and a lack of communication. The youngster will simply refuse to communicate the details of his parties and will look for ways to drink alcohol in secret.

Threats and punishments don’t work. Mutual respect, positive reinforcement, relevant information as well as the good example of parents allow better support.

Adolescents should be clearly informed about the harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs on their health. Especially on the central nervous system. The enjoyment of a few hours can destroy their life or their organic function in a few minutes.

Also,  contrary to popular belief, drinking alcohol does not solve problems. This only prolongs them in time.

Some believe that drinking alcohol solves emotional or personal problems.

Risk factors to watch out for

Parents of teenagers need to be aware of certain risk factors. Among them are the lack of information about alcohol and its consequences, the high and habitual consumption of alcohol at home, the lack of rules at home as well as the lack of respect between family members. .

When alcohol is at the center, then impulsive traits, frustration, low self-esteem and lack of critical thinking arise. These are all aspects that parents should not let pass.

Worrying is not the solution either. Rather, it should be taken care of after asking the dreaded question: “How can I prevent my teenager from drinking alcohol?”.

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