Hives During Pregnancy – Parenthood

Hives attacks during pregnancy

During the period of pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes. These are both physical and mental. Many of these changes are related to hormonal and epidermal changes. Thus there is a significant number of hives attacks in pregnant women.

Urticaria is the appearance of red patches that are itchy on the skin. This is one of the many reactions that can occur during pregnancy. This reaction is generally of great concern to expectant mothers.

Usually, the plaques appear as early as the third trimester, especially during a woman’s first pregnancy. This reaction is manifested by itchy reddish spots in the abdominal area. However, these tasks can also spread to the extremities of the body.

In addition, it causes a lot of worry. The location of these red patches leads expectant mothers to associate them with more serious disorders. Don’t worry, they have nothing to do with it.

We are going to go over the most important information about hives attacks during pregnancy. This way, you will be able to find out what causes them, how to treat them, and in which cases you should be alarmed by possible complications.

Causes of hives during pregnancy

According to the American Association of Pregnant Women, 1 in 150 pregnant women suffer from skin conditions such as hives during their pregnancy.

There are a number of very important hormonal changes in the body of women. These hormonal changes are one of the causes that can produce the symptoms of itchy and dry skin.

These changes increase the production of a hormone called estrogen. On the other hand, stretching the skin can also be another source of these problems.

pregnant woman suffering from hives attacks
However, urticaria finds its root in other causes, which are still largely unknown. However, the possible origins of hives may be due to:

  • Allergic reactions : different foods, bacteria or substances can wake up an allergy which causes the appearance of these red patches on the skin of pregnant women. The body releases histamine, a substance responsible for fighting against these pathogenic microorganisms.
  •  Emotional stress : the cocktail of emotions and hormonal changes at this stage tend to be externalized by a pathology. The skin is the first to be affected, as well as the digestive system.
  • Stretching of the skin : this can cause connective tissue to break. As a result, the body generates an inflammatory reaction which produces these red plaques.

On the other hand, problems such as lupus, autoimmune diseases and serious illnesses such as leukemia are also cited as the causes of hives. In any case, these causes have not been recorded in pregnant women.

Treatment of urticaria during pregnancy

Urticaria goes away immediately after childbirth or a few days after childbirth. However, the prescribed treatment usually only relieves the symptoms. As mentioned earlier, the itching can be extremely irritating to a woman. In addition, excessive itching can lead to more serious injuries.

Therefore, topical corticosteroids are commonly administered, along with emollients and antihistamines. In any case, of course, these must be indicated by the doctor. Some women may have a special sensitivity towards them and in these cases they should look for another solution.

Is hives during pregnancy a risk?

It is important to note that red patches during pregnancy do not pose any risk to the mother or the baby. Usually, hives during pregnancy are harmless and go away within the aforementioned periods.

expectant mother suffering from hives attacks

In severe cases, it can cause breathing problems. These problems remain essentially in the minority. This can happen when the inflammation reaches the throat. Specialists in these cases prescribe drug injections with immediate effect.

However, it is essential to have a medical consultation as soon as the first symptoms are detected. Urticaria during pregnancy cannot be avoided, but it is essential to rule out that it is not a more serious disease.

Therefore, if you notice red spots on your abdomen or even if these have already spread to other parts of your body, you need to take action. You and your baby are not in danger, but it’s always best to have the peace of mind that professional control conveys.

Remember that you can still resort to certain home remedies (after consultation with the doctor) to relieve the most unpleasant discomfort.

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