Fun Activities To Learn More About Plants – Being Parents

Fun activities to learn more about plants

Today,  children, from their first years of schooling, study content related to the natural sciences. They therefore acquire basic knowledge about the environment and living beings. Among these themes, they should study the parts of plants, their characteristics, needs, functions, etc.

It can be very boring for the youngest, but it is possible to learn more about plants in a fun and fun way. Do you want to know how? In this article, we will offer you some activities.

Above all, we must keep one thing in mind: it is important that children understand the world around them and have ecological values ​​such as respect, responsibility and care for the environment. Only in this way can we achieve a better future, where the flora and fauna of the planet do not suffer the terrible consequences of human beings.

The importance of learning the natural sciences in a practical way

It is a bit contradictory to study natural sciences only from a theoretical point of view because  it is fundamental to be in contact with nature, in a certain way,  to be able to understand everything that is there. past.

Therefore, it is recommended that  the youngest learn these contents in a practical way, through experimentation,  exploration, manipulation and observation of the environment they have around them.

The goal is for them to  be the protagonists of their learning themselves,  to acquire knowledge in a meaningful way and to develop their curiosity and the discovery of the world in which they live.

In this way, they will be able to  more easily retain and reinforce the basic concepts related to the natural sciences. This point is fundamental for the future development of the new generations, who must be ready to take care of the planet in a responsible way.

Fun activities to learn more about plants

Here we are going to suggest some activities to do with the youngest of the house. The aim is for them to learn more about plants and respect for the environment.

Educational videos about plants

A really fun and different way to learn new things is to use videos. Indeed, receiving information visually facilitates understanding and memorization in children.

Today,  we can find a multitude of videos on the Internet that deal with the topic of plants  and their characteristics. Nevertheless, here we are going to recommend a video from the Smile and Learn educational platform  Click here to see it.

This educational video  contains very interesting illustrations,  besides having clear and simple explanations of the parts of the plants and the functions of each one.

Manual activities with dry leaves to learn more about plants

Another activity that we recommend for working on the theme of plants is to do crafts with dry leaves or flower petals.

To be able to do this activity, children must go for a walk in nature and collect leaves or flowers that have fallen from trees or shrubs in order to then  take advantage of these natural resources and carry out various activities with them. For example, they can make collages, decorations, paintings, photo frames… Anything that comes to their mind, in short!

Manual activities with leaves.

This way, the little ones can  develop their creativity while discovering  the smells and textures of nature.

Planting legumes in cotton

By planting a legume in cotton, children can  better understand the process of germination of a plant  and, moreover, acquire habits of caring for it.

To carry out this activity, it is necessary to introduce, in a glass or a pot of yogurt,  a piece of damp cotton on which we will place a legume  (a lentil, a white bean or a chickpea). On top of the latter, we will then put another piece of damp cotton. Children will be able to observe how their plant grows over the days.

Did you like the idea of ​​one of these activities to learn more about plants? So what are you waiting for to put them into practice with your children? They will love learning wonderful things about plants and you will be happy to see them having fun while they learn.

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