Common Mistakes In Study Habits – Being Parents

Common mistakes in study habits

The lack of study capacity of our children is often marked by a lack of motivation, linked in part to great deficiencies in study habits. What mistakes can they make?

Finding where their skills weaken when it comes to starting their education can be the difference between leaving school prematurely or successfully completing the academic stage they are faced with. How can we help them regain the passion for learning?

Normally, this discouragement of studies is closely related to the lack of knowledge of study techniques that allow them to conduct an independent and effective study session. In other words, they’re lazy about studying because they don’t know how to do it.

So let’s analyze the most common mistakes in the study habits of our children. A little self-criticism is always good and it is the first step to move forward and improve.

Bad study habits

1. Lack of planning for study sessions

It is important to establish a schedule with the extracurricular activities that we carry out and to plan the time that we will devote the afternoon to each subject. Last minute hard work is never a good idea. It causes fatigue and generates anxiety. If our stomach hurts before a test, we are not doing something right.

child studying in bed

2. Studying with music or the radio is not one of the best study habits.

Depending on the topic we are going to cover, we will need one degree of concentration or another. If we are listening to music, it is more than likely that our attention will be diverted to the lyrics of the song that we are hearing. It is only for tasks that require less concentration that we can use the instrumental music, but always in the background.

3. A messy study area

None of us like to study in a work environment full of paper and garbage. It is important to keep it clean and tidy, that it invites us to sit down to study, that we have everything we need close at hand: colored pencils, eraser, highlighter, ruler, white sheets …

4. The bed is not a place to study, another bad study habit

Of course, if we are preparing for a “difficult” exam that will take time, we need to be comfortable. But the bed is not the ideal place for this. We’re probably going to want to take a nap. A good chair and a well-lit study area are more than enough.

5. Not knowing what the exam is made of

If we have not planned our weekly study schedule and have accumulated homework, the day will come to start studying and we will not have organized the material. With our anxiety triggered, we will no longer be able to concentrate and we will give up our mission before sitting down in the chair. A good plan and up-to-date grades can prevent us from finding ourselves in this situation.

6. Remember content

Sometimes we have no choice but to study, but we agree, it sounds very boring. However, nowhere is it written that it is forbidden to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to make our study session more enjoyable. Concept maps, YouTube videos… Anything goes as long as we learn from it.

7. Too many distractions in the study area

ICT is great, but you have to know how to master yourself. If we have Instagram open on the phone and Facebook on the computer, we will chat with our classmates instead of studying. Non-classroom chatter should be avoided during study hours.

messy office

8. Not taking a break to regain strength is one of the worst study habits.

Marathon study sessions are not productive. Usually we can maintain a good degree of concentration for 50 minutes to 1 hour. We recommend that you start studying with something that is easy for you, such as a warm-up, and take a break every hour to get some fresh air, to eat something, and to clear your mind.

9. Study in the living room or kitchen

We won’t be able to concentrate if our brother is watching TV, if our mom is on the phone, or if the dog is barking. We must have a fixed place that allows us to study in peace, free from noise and distractions.

Conclusion on study habits

If you’ve identified yourself with these common mistakes in your study habits, you’ve already taken the first step to success. As they say: “the first step is to become aware”.

Now that you know what not to do, we hope the road ahead is less mountainous. The secret lies in motivation and perseverance.

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