Clean And Care For The Baby’s Navel – Parenthood

Clean and care for the baby's navel

The umbilical cord

The umbilical cord connects the fetus to the placenta which protects it in the womb of its mother. It is this bond that allows the embryo to receive blood, composed mainly of stem cells, rich in oxygen and nutrients, that helps the baby to survive and grow in the womb.

When a human being is born, the cord that unites him to his mother is cut. The newborn no longer needs it to survive. However, the little piece of skin that remains, folded over her stomach, sometimes poses small problems.

The umbilical cord allows the fetus to grow.

The scarring of the umbilical cord

The umbilical stump of some babies dries up and comes off easily, like a fallen leaf from a tree. At the end of six days, these newborns have a pretty scar that will remind them all their life of the bond of love and dependence that united them to their mother.

In other babies, it may take up to ten days, but the result is the same: the baby’s navel is dry, clean and well formed. But, in some cases, the umbilical cord takes more than two weeks to completely dry out and fall off. It depends on the child.

Possible problems

The navels of some babies require more care. Not only do they take longer to fall and heal, but they also cause discomfort or pain to the child.

Sometimes after the umbilical cord falls, the baby’s navel suppurates a yellowish substance. If this fluid wears off after a few days and the scar is healthy, there is no need to worry. On the other hand, if the navel still suppurates after a few days, it is absolutely necessary to talk to the pediatrician. It could be a sign of infection.

Navel infections in babies are uncommon. In addition to the symptom just described, watch out for these warning signs:

  • The skin around the stump is reddish.
  • The baby cries or complains when touched there.
  • The baby’s navel smells bad.
  • The baby has a fever.

The baby's navel may bleed a little.

The baby’s belly button may also bleed, but this is less likely. If the stump lets out a few drops of blood, this is normal. On the other hand, if the bleeding is continuous, it is time to worry and take your baby to the pediatrician. It could be related to clotting.

And if you have any doubts, call your pediatrician.

How to care for the baby’s navel?

The baby’s navel should be kept dry and clean at all times. This is why we advise you to always cover this part of his anatomy. If your baby’s diaper touches the belly button, try pulling it down a bit or tucking it down.

About twice a day, in the morning and after a bath, you need to clean and care for the umbilical stump. To do this, gently lift the stump so that it comes off, but without pulling on it. Wrap your fingers in a sterile gauze pad and take a piece of cotton wool that you soak in alcohol. Pass it several times on the navel, insisting on the wet parts. Then wipe off the alcohol with another clean piece of cotton to remove any moisture. Let the stump fall back into place.

Some parents prefer to do without alcohol and specialists prove them right. They believe that the best way to clean the umbilical cord is to use soap and water, then to dry it well.

The method is up to you.

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