Children Imitate Their Parents – Be Parents

Children imitate their parents

In order not to ask them for the moon afterwards, it is up to you to choose the manners and behavior that you will have in front of your little one from now on.

Children imitate their parents and other family members with whom they live.

Even if they don’t think of it that way, repeating adult phrases, manners and gestures becomes one of their most important goals.

It is not uncommon for imitation to concern the way we walk like us, the use of the same intonations when  speaking,  to the point of appropriating some of our quirks.

Because imitation is the best way for children to learn.

According to some experts in the field,  children are like sponges absorbing all possible information from the world around them.

However,  they are not aware of what to take and what to forget or even avoid. They reproduce both good and bad habits.

Parents, if you have a bad habit of yawning and not covering your mouth, or the good habit of putting your socks inside your shoes and not leaving them under the bed, don’t be surprised if your child suddenly starts doing the same thing, both of them.

Since young children cannot tell the positive from the negative, for them, if mom or dad does this… they have to do it too.

Why do children imitate us?

Children absorb what they see and hear around them and turn it into knowledge that they will use in their own actions.

As ignorant members of our species  they need to understand the behavior of adults in order to behave well as we do. 

But the downside to this reality is that kids don’t consciously choose which role model (s) to follow and, given their unfamiliarity with the world, they don’t always choose the best.

Hence the importance for  parents  to be concerned with providing the most appropriate environment for their development.

However, in many occasions it is not up to us alone, as children do not always remain under the protection of the maternal wing.

After all, as social beings, children begin to attend daycare, parks, school, sports field … in short, little by little they will be in touch with other people, they will know other surroundings and among others. all these new situations they will meet different standards that they will be able to collect.

We must therefore be confident that our children will choose the best and get rid of what does not fit into the values ​​we have instilled in them.

It is up to us, parents, to supervise and guide them as we have done until now.

Children imitate their parents. Educate yourself to build your child

Children imitate their parents and all the adults around them

Young children want to be like their elders. 

As it is a reality that cannot be escaped, we give you the best advice: Educate yourself.

Let’s see this in more detail.

Mom and Dad are not just adults who feed, wash and care for a child. They are the best and the first educators that he will have in his life.

Just like in school, teachers are intellectually and academically prepared to  teach  younger children, at home  parents must be able to educate their children from birth, at least with the basic learning.

Since the dawn of time children have imitated their elders, let's be the best models for them


  • Make the most basic rules of a good education your own
  • Manage your behavior always keeping the best values ​​in mind
  • Let positive feelings guide your actions from now on.

Either way, try to become a better person.

We know perfections don’t exist but your child is well worth your attempt, right?

Remember that he is going to take what happens at home as “correct” and “the right thing to do”  .

If you are a person with a bad temper, behave violently and give the wrong answers to others … then you could be that little one  who has so much to learn about life.

Make sure he knows happiness, love, peace, spiritual balance, good deeds …

If your parents did not take this into account when they brought you up  we wish and hope that you will be smarter than them.

Give your child the life and education that you may never have had, but that thanks to you they will have the chance to know.

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