Bow Legs In Children, How To Correct Them? – Being Parents

Bow legs in children, how to correct them?

Bow legs in children, also known as genu varum, is a condition characterized by the slight tilt of the shins outward. This generates a separation of the kneecap and creates an arch. Is it possible to correct it?

This posture is characteristic of toddlers who take their first steps. They separate their kneecap from the tibia and project them outward. The good news is that this problem can be corrected.

It is a physiological abnormality linked to the elasticity of the muscular system. In the majority of cases, this goes away as the child gains body mass and his bones become hard.

What to do about bow legs in a child?

The first thing to do is to wait and observe its evolution. In the majority of cases, this resolves itself.

You need to check your child’s growth frequently and pay attention to his or her body development. You will thus see if the arch of the legs decreases.

If your child is walking, but continues to arch their legs, your best bet is to see an orthopedic surgeon. By taking your child to the doctor regularly, you will find the right treatment.

Another important aspect to control is its vitamin D intake. If it is too low, it can lead to rickets. It is one of the causes of bowed legs in children. Therefore, increasing your level of vitamin D helps prevent bowel legs.

Treatment for bowel legs in children

One of the medical treatments to consider is wearing orthopedic knee pads. This is indicated in the case of a toddler who presents arched legs longer than normal. These knee pads are worn until your toddler’s bones have hardened.

Orthopedic shoes are another option if your child is over 4 years old and still has this same problem. These shoes should be used under the prescription and supervision of a physician.

Finally, it should be noted that these treatments are only used if the problem is serious or if the child has other pathologies.

Can bowel legs be avoided in children?

There is no precise formula to avoid this anomaly apart from the one to avoid rickets. Nevertheless, practicing good habits can help to avoid bow-legged legs. For example :

  • Expose your baby to sunlight in the early hours of the day to get the correct amount of vitamin D.
  • Avoid childhood obesity.
  • Give priority to short walks. When walking, the waist of the thighs prevents the kneecaps from joining and leads to the genu varum.

How to correct bowed legs?

Here are some daily practices you can do to improve the situation:

1. The walking posture

The first thing you need to do is help your child to walk properly. Parents should ensure that the child keeps the spine straight when walking, sitting and also while sleeping.

When your child is asleep, you can slip a thin pillow under their neck and raise their knees to rest and stretch their spine.

2. Exercises

There are exercises that are beneficial for bowel movements in children. For example, you can lay her on her back and bend her with her knees, pushing toward her stomach. You must do this slowly and patiently. Another ideal physical practice is to use a belt to join the two legs and then stretch them.

You can also cross his legs, put one arm behind his neck, and grab him with the other hand. This strengthens the back and aligns the posture for sitting or walking. It is best to sing or tell a story while you are doing these exercises so that your child is not bored.

Going on Pilates is also a great option. This helps improve posture and strengthen the muscles in the knees and thighs.

Likewise, children’s yoga is an ideal technique for improving posture and flexibility in the extremities. For some, the postures may seem difficult, but this gets better with time and practice.

Good Diet Can Help Correct Bow-Legs

3. A good diet

Food must be natural and balanced. Food must be proportionately carrying calcium and vitamin C and D.

4. Massages

Giving massages can also help improve the bowel leg problem. It can be very relaxing for your child and it also strengthens the areas of your child’s back and legs.

Ultimately, it is possible to take action to treat your child’s bowed legs. It is essential that parents arm themselves with patience and perseverance to help their child. The anxiety to get results in a short time never worked.

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