Bone Pain Associated With Growth – Parenthood

Bone pain associated with growth

Bone pain associated with growth usually occurs in childhood, although it can also occur in adolescence. It is a common symptom which is part of physical development and which, however, does not imply any pathology.

However, many parents worry when their children express discomfort or embarrassment. Mainly because they experience them during the night, which is the time when inactivity is greatest.

Although the intensity they refer to is not always obvious, bone pain is more common than you might think. Usually there is no need to seek medical attention when they present themselves, although it is important to consider how the child is reacting.

Bone pain associated with growth

Symptoms of bone pain associated with growth.

Bone pain associated with growth usually occurs in the extremities. This means that children may feel mild, short-lived discomfort in their arms or legs at times. However, these tend to go away on their own.

Although it is true that each case is different, children tend to present with bone pain with greater frequency in two stages, which will be as follows:

  • Between 3 and 5 years old.
  • Between 8 and 12 years old.

What are the affected areas?

In general, the most common pains associated with growing children are in the lower extremities, such as the legs, knees or calves.

This particular type of pain tends to be localized in the muscles and not in the joints. Now, what do the bones have to do with this? During the growing period of the child, the bones begin to grow and cause tension in the muscles and tendons, and this is what causes “bone” pain.

How to relieve bone pain?

If the child feels very embarrassed or cannot sleep at night due to bone pain, there are a few things that can be done to help relieve it.

The best way to relieve bone pain associated with growth is to give them a relaxing muscle massage in the area that bothers them the most, as this will provide relief and help them relax. It is recommended to perform this type of massage ascending, from the toes upwards.

Another form of pain relief is teaching the child to do some gentle stretches. Often, low-impact physical activity helps to forget or reduce genes.

Another very useful technique is to apply a warm compress to the painful area. Of course, all of these measures must be complemented by kisses, hugs and affection so that the child can relax and stop focusing on the pain.

Activities to reduce and avoid bone pain

Regular physical exercise does a lot of good for children. In fact, it helps reduce or prevent bone pain associated with growth.

Activities like running, jumping, climbing and playing in the open air will help children to have fun and forget about trouble. However, a sport or a physical discipline will be the most practical. Not only for the fact that it relies on a structured practice, but also because there will be a capacity instructor who will correct bad postures and guide every action to avoid injuries of any type.

Activities to reduce bone pain.

Should we go to the doctor?

Despite the fact that bone pain is very common, if you feel more at ease seeing a pediatrician, do so. The pediatrician is the best person to give you the information and the peace of mind you need.

In the event that the doctor indicates that the child needs to take pain relievers (such as ibuprofen) or anti-inflammatory drugs if the genes are extreme and recurrent, it is essential to follow the directions for the dose to the letter. . On the other hand, we must not forget that hydration and a healthy diet are always a good accompaniment for any type of treatment.

The following symptoms are grounds for consultation:

  • Lesions.
  • Weakness.
  • Pain and inflammation of one extremity.
  • Inability to carry out one or more activities.

In summary, bone pain is normal and transient. This does not prevent things from unfolding normally. And if this happens, you should call a pediatrician as soon as possible. Especially if a symptom presented itself.

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