Adolescents And Confinement: How Do They Experience It? – Being Parents

Adolescents and confinement: how do they experience it?

Adolescents and confinement… How do they cope with this complicated situation at this stage of their life when they need independence, as they go through the weeks of panic due to the coronavirus? Forced cohabitation has effects on family relationships.

Being in quarantine with teenagers can be complicated. The small conflicts that have existed until now can turn into real battles.

The fact of being forced to live with their parents for weeks at a particular time in their life (the search for independence), will make adolescents one of the groups that will have the most difficulty with this confinement.

How to make adolescents understand that confinement is a temporary situation?

We all have a difficult time and no one would want to go through it. But we adults are able to resign ourselves to it and take it differently from them. Teenagers need to go out because their bodies want them to; they’re at the stage where they need to build relationships with their friends, and now they can’t leave the house.

We must make them understand that this confinement is not a whim on our part, but that it is a difficult situation and that we must all stay at home to overcome it.

A girl sitting at the window

Today we live a life where immediacy is essential. We want everything here and now, and in this situation, where we have to wait and be patient, it’s hard for us, especially teenagers.

Adolescents and confinement: how to best manage the situation?

During these weeks there will be friction with our teenagers, but we must try to ensure that they do not leave traces that will last over time.

  • Adolescents, in their state of rage and anger, can say a lot of things, but it is important that we do not take it against us, but it is a consequence of helplessness and anger at not being able to s ‘get out.
  • Confrontations will be inevitable during this confinement. It’s not about giving rational explanations, but about putting an end to this impulsiveness and this need to be with friends, and to have their moments of disconnection with their peers.
  • We will have moments to share with the family, but we must also allow them to experience moments of solitude and intimacy in their room.
  • It is better that, in this situation, we do not persist in discussions that ultimately lead to nothing and that we give in from time to time.
  • It is time to listen to them and take care of them, without rushing, and, of course, to give them time.

    Tips for facilitating the confinement of adolescents

    Put themselves in their shoes

    Today more than ever, we must put ourselves in their shoes. Adolescence is a time of insecurity and change. Their priorities at this age are based on the social aspect, which makes the situation even more complicated for them.

    A teenage girl on her cellphone

    Talking to adolescents about confinement

    We must keep in mind that adolescents are not at the same point of maturity as adults, and that it is more difficult for them to cope with this situation. It is important to explain to them that staying at home saves lives, and that we need their help with household chores because we cannot do everything on our own.

    Explain to them that this is not a vacation: establish a schedule

    There is no point in getting up in the middle of the day and going straight to the couch with the cell phone in your hand. You need to tell them how important it is to maintain some routines during these days.

    It’s also not about getting up early, but getting up at the right time and using the morning to do your homework. Thus, they will have the afternoon free to do whatever they want.

    They need their moment of socializing with the cell phone, but without overdoing it

    You have to have time for everything, to talk to your friends or play with them through online games. However, this use must be rational and must respect certain limits. They are the ones who will manage cell phone use without abusing it.

    Adolescence and confinement are two concepts that do not get along. But, if we put these tips into practice, we are sure that these weeks will be more bearable and that we will avoid unnecessary conflicts. Now is the time for all of us to fight together and stay home. Courage and patience.

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