What To Do With Overly Talkative Children In Class? – Being Parents

What to do with overly talkative children in class?

Children who are too talkative in class suffer from an attention problem that can affect their academic performance. Although this shows that the child is surrounded by friends and has the ability to socialize, this behavior occurs at the least opportune time.

These situations are particularly difficult for parents because they are not in the classroom to control and regulate the attitude of the child. In these cases, the main thing is to find a way to motivate the young person  and make him understand how important it is to be attentive in class.

If you want children who are too talkative in class to change their behavior, it is best to keep a constructive dialogue, in order to find out why they are so distracted and try to motivate them  to follow the teachers’ explanations and leave the moments of rest. confessions for recreation.

Once you allow them to express their opinion without interruption, encourage them to reflect on their  behavior  in class.

Find the reason

In order to be able to correct certain attitudes,  it is necessary to discover the origin of the incident. Among other causes, it may be due to the following factors:

  • The child feels that this is the only time he receives attention,  whether from the teacher or from his classmates.
  • He is bored with what is offered to him  and needs something more stimulating.
  • He has difficulty understanding  educational material.
  • talkative friend  sits by his side.
  • The child requires frequent physical breaks .
  • He finds no interest  in following the teacher’s directions  .
  • The teacher  does not explain the concepts adequately.
  • The child is in his first years of school  and facing a completely new situation.

Work at home with the little one

If you want your child to improve their behavior at school, it is essential to work at home. Indeed, you can start by doing the exercise of taking turns at home in order to teach him to wait and listen and thus give him more opportunities to control his impulses.

For example,  avoid having the child interrupt conversations. If the young person talks too much, remind them that now is not the time to talk, or that it is the time to be calmer and control their impulses. Do this in a natural and respectful way, not as if the child has done something wrong.

You can also involve him in games that involve taking turns. Board games, for example, are an entertaining activity and ideal for picking up and understanding the need to respect tricks; if not, create your own listening and communication games, in which each person tells a story in turn.

What to do with overly talkative children in class?

If you notice that your child is distracted or having difficulty paying attention in school,  this may be a good time to improve their attention at home. Here are some tips to achieve this:

1. Maintain a quiet atmosphere at home

The first of our tips is, as much as possible,  to try not to yell at your child or lose his nerves. Keeping a quiet atmosphere at home will help reduce distractions for the child.

2. Limit diversions at home

To help the child to be less distracted,  we recommend that you limit the time they spend in front of the screen,  as this can interfere with their ability to  concentrate.

In addition,  by controlling the time he spends on video games or electronic devices, you will help him to concentrate more in class.

“If you want children who are too talkative in class to change their behavior, it is best to keep a constructive dialogue, in order to find out why they are so easily distracted”

3. Vision and hearing problems

If the young child starts to have attention problems in school,  take them to a pediatrician for vision and hearing tests. Indeed, sometimes the attention difficulties of the child can be due to problems of vision or hearing.

4. Stay positive in the presence of the child

If possible,  it is not recommended to speak as a couple in front of children. These discussions can have a huge impact on the little one and prevent him from concentrating in class.

You should also share positive moments and experiences with the child. This will avoid sources of anxiety, and therefore distractions.

5. Take time with the child

In order to improve the child’s attention,  it is necessary to spend time with him every day and do activities together. For example, reading a story, playing a board game, or doing a painting. This will help him to develop his interest and concentration in the same activity.

Children who are too talkative in class need more attention and presence from their parents.

6. Make rules at home

So that a child does not have attention problems,  you need to establish rules at home that must be followed by both mom and dad. Parents should agree on the rules for their child and support each other; it is essential to be on the same wavelength when it comes to discipline when a child has difficulty concentrating.

Finally,  remember that it is really possible to change the behavior of overly talkative children in the classroom  by using the right advice. We recommend that you be patient and take the time necessary for the child to be more attentive. You will undoubtedly get there!

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