6 Ways To Make Fruit Attractive To Kids – You Are Parent

6 ways to make fruit attractive to kids

Finding ways to make fruit attractive to children is not easy for parents, especially because of time constraints.

However, with a little creativity and organization, we can find many ways to make children happy with new foods. You just have to know how to arouse their interest in the right way.

Fruits are naturally low in calories, high in fiber, vitamins and minerals essential for healthy growth.

That is why it is important to include fruits in your child’s diet for his growth. In addition, the consumption of fruit will contribute to its concentration.

Normally, as he grows older, he will realize that there are a lot of delicious foods out there beyond the looks. It is good to go to the market with your child and suggest that he choose the fruits he wants.

We also recommend that you make fun presentations and pay attention to the portions you serve.

attractive fruits for children

6 ways to make fruit attractive to kids

Here are 6 ways to make fruit attractive to kids.

  1. Fruit sorbets

    Our first option is to make sorbets, which are very easy to prepare. They are mainly composed of fruit purees and fresh fruit juices.

    It is about mixing all the fruits and adding a little brown sugar in the mixer. The result is a sorbet with a little jar texture that your child will love. It is a refreshing and balanced way to consume chopped fruit. 

    Once mixed, you will need to pour the sorbet into containers and place them in the freezer to cool and adopt the right texture.

  2. A fruit juice or a smoothie

    Healthy and easy to make, these drinks are perfect for varying children’s diets. From an early age, you can make orange juice on its own or mix it with other fruits.

    You can also mix it with natural yogurt. There is also the possibility of incorporating milk to make smoothies. These are ideal as a complement to children’s breakfasts and snacks.

  3. Fruit slices

    Cut different fruits very finely with a knife so that your children can eat them with their fingers. Fruit slices are also great for making pretty presentations such as a beautiful house, animals, flowers, etc.

    Remember, children eat with their eyes most of the time. So take care of the presentation. This will awaken the interest and appetite of children.

  4. A rainbow of fruit on a skewer

    To make them peck to their liking, a good option is to use the skewers to put raspberries, oranges, pineapple, kiwi, blackberries and grapes. These fruits form a rainbow.

    You can also prepare fruit lollipops by cutting pieces of watermelon into small triangles that you will then prick with toothpicks. Do not hesitate to accompany these skewers with sauces such as  natillas (dessert cream of Spanish origin).

    A girl eats a fruit skewer

  5. Fruit puree

    Classic fruit puree is quick and easy to prepare. Ripe fruits such as peaches, pears, bananas, melon, strawberries, etc. are crushed (using a fork or a blender).

    To prevent these purees from oxidizing and changing color, you can add a few drops of lemon. Ideally, you can make them shortly before consumption so that they do not lose their nutritional qualities.

  6. Fruit cake

    If you have to bake a cake for a birthday, you can include fruit in it. This will allow your child to eat fruit that he or she normally refuses.

    A good example can be an apple pie. You can mix the fruits with the ingredients for the cake or use them in the decoration in the form of well-cut pieces (strawberries, kiwis, cherries, raspberries, among others).

  7. Fruit candies

    Finally, we suggest that you make your own fruit candies. You can make your own homemade sweets such as chocolate cherries, clementine candies, apple candies …

    A dash of imagination, an ounce of preparation and a healthy dose of fun and your kids will move away from industrial candies for candies with homemade fresh and natural fruits.

    Take advantage of these 6 ways to make fruits attractive to children!

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