6 Phrases To Calm An Angry Child – Parenthood

6 phrases to calm an angry child

Often, we parents are confronted with the anger of our children. They are still young and do not know how to deal with it. Here are some phrases to calm an angry child.

We parents tend to get stuck and try to resolve this crisis or anger of our children by getting angry at ourselves, screaming, etc. But, by doing this, we are making matters worse and not solving the problem.

In this sense, there are ways to help our children calm down. Do you want to know how you can help your child stop anger? Read on.

What phrases can you use to calm an angry child?

Words can hurt or heal. They can be magical and, depending on the tone we use, can help calm an angry situation for our little ones. Communication is one of the most important things

1. “We both calm down, okay?”

On several occasions your child has likely had a temper tantrum by kicking and screaming in front of other people. In the face of this, your anger probably increased, along with shame about the situation. You probably ended up screaming, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him away from other people’s eyes.

An angry child.

In the face of this, what the child needs is understanding, so it is best to take a breath and say,I am very angry too, but let’s both calm down ”. In this way, the child will feel understood and you will show that you want to help him.

2. “I am also angry, but I express it differently”

Faced with this sentence, your child feels that you empathize with him, he feels very angry and has to let off steam, but he has to do it differently. Don’t tell him he looks like a baby.

Make him understand that it is normal for him to get angry, that we adults also get angry, but that he must learn to express it in another way, for example by himself. relaxing together, drawing a picture or whatever comes to mind at the time.

3. “Together, we will find a solution to make it right for you”

Often, children are angry and upset because they are frustrated with trying to do something and it doesn’t work. If at this point you tell your child things like, “ You haven’t tried enough ” or “ Don’t cry and try again, ” you are not helping your child deal with his anger, and you are not helping your child to deal with his anger. can make the situation worse.

Right now, your child needs words of encouragement, motivation, and confidence. If you get involved and help her improve her execution, the anger will go away …

More phrases to calm an angry child

4. “If you speak to me very softly and without shouting, I will understand better”

If the child reacts to a situation with anger by yelling at us, it will certainly get on our nerves, but we don’t have to come to that. We will try to make him understand that, if he talks to us like that, we cannot understand him ; it is important to calm him down and talk to him calmly.

5. “You are very angry, aren’t you? What if I gave you a super hug that heals everything? ”

Sometimes kids, like adults, have a bad day and end up getting angry about something. In the end, they end up having a big tantrum and even they don’t know why.

A girl having a temper tantrum.

But for now, all they’re asking for is your understanding and love. At this point, you can tell your child that you have the solution to their anger and that it’s a super hug that heals everything.

6. “Why are you throwing away your toys? Don’t you love them anymore? Are you angry with them? ”

Many children react by throwing away everything around them when they are angry, usually their toys. At this time you can get very angry and give voice, but you should try to avoid this.

The little one is angry and probably doesn’t even know why. So he needs someone to explain to him what he is doing, so that he will realize that he is not doing it right. With this sentence, we are going to make him understand that his toys did not do anything to him and that they are not responsible for his anger and, therefore, that he should not do this with them.

About phrases to calm an angry child

These phrases for calming an angry child can be very helpful in avoiding confrontation with younger children. Violence is useless, it only makes the situation worse and will never be a good option. On the contrary, love, affection, empathy and your respect for him to understand what is going on will be essential. With your help, he’ll be fine.

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