6 Effective Tips To Stop Diapers – Parenthood

6 effective tips to stop diapers

Children stop diapers when they have reached a certain degree of psychological and physiological maturity. Obviously, getting children to acquire such important independence is sometimes a difficult goal for parents. That is why it is very useful to know the following tips to stop diapers.

As a starting point, before trying to get a child to stop diapers , it is good to remember that  checking the sphincter of young children is a job that requires a lot of patience. Therefore, when putting into practice the advice we give you, your good cooperation will be of great help.

When is the child ready to stop diapers?

Let’s start by indicating the age at which the child begins to show that he can stop diapers. As we have mentioned before, it is an individual process which depends on the maturity of the child; on average, from a year and a half, they can be ready to carry out the first tests.

There are certain signs that can help us identify if the child is prepared to stop giving birth. Here they are :

  1. He walks  alone.
  2. He says he has a dirty diaper.
  3. The diaper stays clean for three hours.
  4. He urinates or has a bowel movement at the same time  every day.
  5. If he crosses his legs, touches the diaper or squats down before urinating.
  6. He can take off his pants, overalls and underwear himself.

If your child is showing these signs, you can start to apply the advice we offer.

Tips for stopping diapers

1. Do not wait for the child to ask to go to the bathroom

Don’t wait for the child to say he wants to go to the bathroom. This is very rare and usually happens up to a year after the first attempts to stop diapers. It is best to sit it on the potty or on the toilet adapter and gradually build up the habit.

2. Prepare the space for him to go to the bathroom

The first step in getting the child to stop diapers is to put an adapter on the toilet or buy a potty  in the bathroom. If you already know the times when your child urinates or has a bowel movement, you can sit her on the potty and accompany her while you change her mind with songs.

Likewise,  praise him after he urinates or defecates; it will give him the feeling of being proud and happy.

3. Let him in the bathroom

It is important that the child can enter the bathroom accompanied by an adult and that he observes this space as a familiar and present place. As children learn by imitation, if they observe their parents going to the bathroom, they may decide to repeat the feat.

“Getting children to acquire such important independence is sometimes a difficult goal for parents. This is why it is very useful to know various tips to stop diapers ”

4. Let the child choose their own underwear

Children tend to feel very happy when they see that they can use a new item of clothing, especially if it suits their tastes. When you allow them to choose their underwear and talk to them about the importance of always being clean, the child will automatically make the connection with the stool. This way, he will begin to warn or indicate when he wants to go to the bathroom.

5. Never punish or scold the child for using the toilet.

If the child has already started using the toilet or potty and is peeing or having stools in their panties, yelling or punishing them is not recommended. The correct attitude is to change it and wash it quickly so that it does not feel humiliated; then encourage him to continue on this path.

Stopping diapers is a learning process that depends on the maturity of the child.

6. Boys must first learn to urinate while sitting.

For the first few tries with boys, it is recommended to start teaching them to pee while sitting down. It will be much more convenient for them; in addition, he can also take the opportunity to have a bowel movement.

Once the child is completely in control of their body to go at their desired times and is tall enough for the toilet, they can start training to urinate while standing.

Ultimately,  be aware that teaching a child to use the bathroom on their own takes a lot of consistency. Also, when you first start, there is no going back.

If you have already stopped diapers, you should not put one on one day and take off the next day; Sitting on the potty several times a day is a task that you should not give up. And now put it into practice, good luck!

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