5 Positions For Sleeping During Pregnancy – Being Parents

5 positions for sleeping during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the best experiences a woman can have. For women who are pregnant for the first time, it is usually a period full of little worries. One of the most common concerns is finding the best position to sleep during pregnancy.

As the baby grows in the womb, the hours of sleep are reduced. There is uncertainty as to the proper position to rest without injuring the child.

On top of that, nausea, anxiety, and heartburn make rest during pregnancy very difficult. For this reason, it is necessary to ask for recommendations on what are the best sleeping positions during pregnancy.

Positions for sleeping during pregnancy

1 – On the left side

Medical experts recommend sleeping on your left side. This helps the flow of blood and nutrients to the uterus and the baby. This position also helps the kidneys to easily remove waste.

2 – On the side with a pillow

The lateral position with a pillow between the legs keeps the spine straight and avoids putting the weight of one leg on the other. If you have long pillows it’s much better! In this way, you can support your tummy and feel more security for the child.

3 – half seated

We recommend this position if you have a stomach problem or poor digestion. Support for this position is a good pillow. So the position is much more comfortable.

half-sitting woman sleeping during pregnancy

4 – Raised bust

Another of the most comfortable positions is that of the raised bust. This is most recommended if you have nasal congestion, suffocation, or heartburn.

You will be able to use several pillows or cushions in this position to support and elevate your back. It reduces dizziness and relaxes the body after maintaining the horizontal position for a long time.

5 – Feet in the air

In case of cramps, poor circulation or swelling of the legs or ankles, we recommend keeping the feet elevated with pillows or cushions. This prevents the appearance of varicose veins, perforations and cramps.

With this position it is possible to relax both body and mind. It is always necessary to get a few hours of sleep to rest the weight of the body. In addition, the baby will be able to train properly.

Positions not recommended for sleeping during pregnancy

Just as there are positions for sleeping during pregnancy that are ideal for the baby and the mother. There are also those that should be avoided during this time. Here are some of them:

1 – On the back

This is the least recommended position because it creates worries about poor digestion and poor circulation. This is because the weight of the uterus, the inferior vena cava and the intestines fall on the back.

This position can also lead to breathing problems, back pain, hemorrhoids. And, more dangerous, it can lower circulation in the baby’s heart.

2 – On the stomach

Sleeping on your stomach is safe if the pregnancy is just beginning. However, we advise not to adopt this position when it is more advanced.

Many pregnant women like this position for sleeping during pregnancy. However, specialists do not recommend it based on the period of pregnancy.

If it is very difficult to leave this position, it is recommended to use a pillow in the form of donuts or stack cushions forming a kind of hollow so as not to crush the belly.

suffering woman sleeping during pregnancy

Recommendations for falling asleep

Sleeping well is very important during pregnancy, as at any stage of life. However, sometimes being able to do it pleasantly can be a problem. Here are some recommendations to achieve this goal:

  • Eat a light meal rich in amino acids at night. These are found in grains, fish, milk, eggs, and lettuce.
  • One should sleep at least 8 hours a day. As for naps, ideally not to exceed 25 minutes. It can influence if you don’t fall asleep at night.
  • Avoid coffee or chocolate in the afternoon. However, don’t drink too much water after dinner, so that you don’t get up too often to use the bathroom.
  • Adjust the room to rest. Try to keep a room ventilated, cool, free from noise and bright lights. We recommend cotton or silk bedding, just like pajamas.
  • Alcohol and cigarettes are harmful to pregnancy not only because they hurt the baby, but they also prevent a woman from sleeping comfortably.

    Other tips to consider

    On the other hand, we do not recommend exercising at the end of the day. The reason is that the body remains very energetic and restless after exercise. This makes it difficult to relax and will interfere with the sleep cycle.

    Unlike physical exercise, relaxation techniques and practices such as meditation or yoga are very supportive. They allow the body to relax for sleep. In addition, a good pillow will always be the best ally during pregnancy.
    Getting a good night’s sleep will help move the pregnancy through in a healthy way for both mother and baby. Only the most comfortable and relaxing position that allows complete rest should be achieved.

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