5 Major Changes Between 10 And 12 Years Old – Being Parents

5 major changes between 10 and 12 years old

Between the ages of 10 and 12, children go from childhood to puberty. That is, they grow up and begin their journey into adolescence, a complex journey full of major changes, both cognitively, physically, socially and emotionally.

Want to know what changes are happening at these ages? We tell you everything in the rest of this article.

5 important changes between the ages of 10 and 12

Young people taking a selfie.

1. Between 10 and 12 years old, children change the way they behave with their peers

During childhood, friends are important for playing and having fun, but by the age of 10, relationships with peers become much more complex.

Between the ages of 10 and 12, children often change friends, as they need to create a group that they can trust, relate to and share ideas, likes and hobbies. Indeed, at this age, the group of friends becomes a reference and an essential source of support and the family takes a back seat.

2. They demand independence

By the age of 10, children are usually independent enough to take on their responsibilities and duties related to home and school, albeit with some supervision from parents or teachers.

However, by the age of 12, children feel older and increasingly claim their independence, that is, they want to make their own decisions and do things on their own, without feeling controlled by adults.

3. They are experiencing great bodily changes

Undoubtedly, between 10 and 12 years old is one of the periods of development where the most physical changes occur, since the bodies of the little ones are gradually transformed from being a boy and a girl to that of a child. ‘man and woman.

In that sense, here are some of the most important changes taking place at this age:

  • The growth of the breast begins.
  • The first period occurs around the age of 12.
  • The size of the testicles and penis increases.
  • There are changes in the timbre and tone of the voice.
  • Hair appears on the pubis, face and armpits.
  • The skin becomes more oily.
  • Sudden changes in weight, height and height occur.
  • Sweating and body odor increase.

4. They build an identity and a personality of their own.

Another notable change that occurs between the ages of 10 and 12 is that children are trying to develop their own identity and personality and look for a style that defines them. To do this, they begin a process of exploration and experimentation, in order to try out different options according to their tastes, hobbies, interests, experiences, thoughts, etc.

Moreover, throughout this process, they do an exercise of internal reflection and constant revision of their self-conception and, consequently, of their self-esteem.

5. They develop their moral capacity

Until the age of 10, most children don’t wonder why they are doing what they are doing and usually follow the rules imposed by adults because they are supposed to obey them.

A young girl.

However, this changes at the age of 12, when children learn to think, discuss and negotiate the rules with others, so that they abide by them because the agreement reached must be respected and not because it is dictated by “authority”.

In addition, at this time, they develop the ability to assess the good or bad of their behavior and to consider the consequences of their behavior.

Regarding the development of children between 10 and 12 years old …

In summary, boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 12 change a lot, especially physically and psychologically. Not all of these changes are easy to cope with, so it’s an extremely complicated developmental period.

In addition, it can also significantly mark mothers and fathers, who suddenly have to accept that they no longer have children at home, but a little adult ready to build their own life.

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