5 Ideas For Organizing A Children’s Study Room – Being A Parent

5 ideas for organizing a children's study room

It is good to instill in children from an early age different habits that promote the learning process and the ability to organize. Indeed, it is about ensuring that children can perform their daily activities in a way that suits their age.

Children, as they grow older, acquire more responsibility, especially with the start of the elementary school and middle school stage. At the start of schooling, they have daily homework to do, as well as assignments or exams to prepare.

For all this, it is important for them to have a suitable place to be able to concentrate to carry out these tasks. A study room for children is therefore the best alternative!

Preparing an ideal space for the child to study is an important question. This is why it will be necessary to take into account some rules so that the room has everything necessary and that there reigns a pleasant climate where the child will be comfortable to concentrate and far from any distraction.

First, you have to know the dimensions of the space available to start organizing the room and choose where the child’s study area will be. It is thus important to consider some rules for organizing the children’s study room.

5 ideas for organizing a children’s study room

1. The choice and organization of the office

First of all, to organize the children’s study room, we recommend that you think carefully about the choice of the desk where the child will do his homework. The choice of furniture will depend on individual tastes, as well as the decor.

The type of desk to buy should be large and with drawers to store all school supplies, sheets, dictionaries, etc. This will allow the child to have everything at his fingertips and will avoid distractions when he is studying.

A child working in his study room

On the other hand, order is important in creating habit ; in this way, the child will be able to organize himself to meet his obligations.

2. The office location

The office location should be well lit ; thus, the child will be able to benefit from the natural light and he will not have to strain his sight while reading. It is also recommended to take a desk lamp for times of the day when the natural light is not strong enough.

3. Another important element: the chair

Just as the desk must be suitable for homework, the seat must also correspond to the child.

The chair should help the child to be comfortable, but without letting him neglect his posture; this is essential for him to keep his back straight. In addition, good posture will prevent muscle tension that is detrimental to the neck.

For all these reasons, it is important to find the right seat adapted to the needs of the child ; in this way, he will be able to carry out his activities in a correct way and further promote his concentration and performance.

4. The delimitation of the children’s study room

Whenever possible, it is essential to separate the study area from the play space. Such a thing is of the utmost importance, since it will prepare the child for his best cognitive and disciplinary development.

On the one hand, the place of study will be associated with responsible and organized behavior ; this will help him to concentrate in order to be able to carry out his activities successfully and better develop his capacities.

On the other hand, in the play area, the child will be able to have fun and be free to create his own activities. The possibility for children to have a playful place is also very positive for the development of imagination, creativity and genius.

Does the computer have to be in the study room?

5. Does the computer have to be in the study or play area?

In the study area, the use of the computer should only be reserved for school purposes, whether for research or to practice certain skills, such as foreign languages.

The use of the computer for playful purposes is a good thing, as long as it is controlled by an adult, and that two important points are taken into account:

  • limit the time of use : it is not beneficial for a child to spend many hours in front of a computer
  • control the content to which the minor has access, for his safety

The parents’ obligation to organize their children’s study room or to give them access to an environment that makes it possible to carry out their tasks will be fundamental for the learning of values. It is about transmitting responsible habits that they will learn and retain for their entire lives.

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