4 Tips To Keep Your Child From Screaming In Public – Parenthood

4 tips to keep your child from screaming in public

There are children who seem to love to scream  but it can make parents lose patience, especially if they do it in public and people around them are flabbergasted by such a spectacle. Who has never known this? Today we are going to see some keys so that your child does not scream in public.

When children are screaming,  you may feel the urge to put your hand in front of their mouth to stop them from doing it. However, this would be a harmful thing because you would contribute to a learning which, later, would complicate your educational work.

On the one hand, you would assume that he is unable to stop screaming on his own. On the other side, you would show him that it is positive that someone stronger is forcing another to do things. Remember that children imitate their parents’ behavior.

What can you do to prevent your child from screaming in public?

We have just seen that covering your child’s mouth is not a good solution: this idea must therefore be ruled out. We are now going to see  four key points for your child to stop yelling.

A screaming child.

Immediately stop what you are doing

If your child starts to cry and cry, as a father or mother, you need to stop whatever you are doing to pay attention to the child. What could possibly happen to him? Maybe he’s hungry because it’s snack time? Did he get angry about something? Or did he hurt himself? Here are some of the questions you can ask yourself to get a feel for the situation the child is in.

Crouch down to be at the same height as the child and look him in the eyes

Crouching down and standing at the same height as the child, looking them in the eyes, makes them feel important and loved. Thanks to this, parents can better analyze the situation, paying attention to their child to know what is happening to him. The solution may be simpler than you think; it’s just a matter of observing and analyzing.

Keep calm and silent and observe

When you find yourself in this situation,  the best you can do is try to stay calm, smile at your child, and lower the volume of your voice. This will serve as an example for the child, and if you talk to him in a low voice, he may stop screaming so that he can listen to you.

Sing him a song very softly

When the child is inconsolable, you can sing one of their favorite songs to them, but quietly. When he hears it, he will shut up so he can hear it, so choose his favorite song well and… let’s go singing!

The fundamental trick so that your child does not scream in public is patience.

These four tips or steps can be practiced anywhere, but you should take into account that if the situation causes anxiety or stress for the child, it is important to take them elsewhere. If you can’t get out of where you are (train, plane, etc.), you can hug him and whisper kind words in his ear to try and calm him down.

If you can move, do it; children, in such moments, need our love and our tenderness. It doesn’t matter what the people around us think. We must take care of the well-being of our child and not that of those who are nearby. It is important that you keep in mind that  you do not want your child to cry out because he feels bad, and not because he is disturbing people around him.

Children need and trust their parents. Therefore, if you follow these steps, they may calm down quickly. But that does not prevent that in some situations, even though we know what to do, our emotions can spill over  and we can end up doing things that we will regret.

Tips to try to calm down and find a solution to this situation

  • Once the situation has calmed down, you need to  explain to the child that you said or did something that you regret  and that he probably didn’t like either.
  • You will ask him for his opinion on what you can do to calm him down when you find yourself in this situation, especially if he is tall.
  • When you have decided how you will try to help him control his behavior, when it is not right, you should practice it.
  • As with everything, the  more you practice it while being calm, the more it will be effective in the event of a situation which overflows.

An angry child.

About tips to keep your child from screaming in public

We have already seen the four steps you can take to prevent your child from screaming in public or at home. This can be used in all contexts where these types of behavior occur. In these situations,  the main thing is to be patient and realize that tantrums, crying and screaming are part of the normal process of children’s emotional development.

You have to be tolerant and understanding; you can’t expect them to learn everything quickly. The job of parents is to be clear and loving with their children and with themselves.

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