4 Reflex And Coordination Games For Children – Being Parents

4 reflex and coordination games for children

Reflex and coordination games are ideal for family fun while children stimulate and work on certain motor skills. In this article, we recommend a few games of this type. Pay attention and find out how each of them is played. The little ones in the house will love them!

4 reflex and coordination games for children

The world upside down

First of all, this game develops, among other things, psychomotor reflexes and body coordination in children. It also helps to develop self-control and concentration.

Before starting to play, it is necessary to decide who will be the person responsible for guiding the game. This person will stand in front of the rest of the participants. The other players will therefore line up.

The playmaker will have to give orders out loud. Like for example “jump”, “run”, “raise your arms”, etc. Thus, players will have to do exactly the opposite of what the order says.

Children play coordination and reflexes all together.

Gradually, these actions become more complicated, specifying the part of the body that should be used to perform the proposed action. For example: “jump on one foot on the right foot”, “run with the right hand on the head”, “raise the left arm”, etc. Thus, the game ends when one of the participants performs one of the actions incorrectly.

Earth, air, fire and water

This game is ideal for children to work on their ability to react, their reasoning ability but also their mental agility. To begin with, you need to place a rope that divides an area into two parts, so that one of the participants is alone on one side and all the other players on the other side of the rope.

The person who is alone on one side should say aloud one of the words “earth”, “water”, “fire” or “air”. At the same time, she must throw the ball while trying to hit one of the players on the other side.

When saying one of the words “land”, “water” or “air”, the player who has been hit by the ball must name respectively a land animal, an aquatic animal or a bird. If he says “fire”, the child must name a fire resistant object. If the player in question does not manage to give an answer, he will be eliminated. This process is repeated until there is only one player left.

The exploding bullets

For this game you need two balls and at least five players. They should stand next to each other and form a circle. A participant takes one of the balls and gives the other to the player who is furthest from him.

A father playing with his son with a toy car in the living room of the house.

Once everyone is in their place, the game can begin. It consists of passing the balls to the player on the right or left. The player who has both balls in hand loses and is eliminated. This is constantly repeated until only three players are left in play.

Another game of reflexes and coordination: Running in slow motion

This game makes it possible to improve the ability to control body movements. First of all, you have to select a participant who will act as the playmaker.

The rest of the players should remain leaning against a wall until the playmaker indicates that they can begin to move. When this happens, players should then move forward as slowly as possible until they reach the opposite wall of the room.

Indeed, this wall will then be their goal. However, while doing this, they must pretend by their body movements that they are running at high speed.

The playmaker must ensure that no player is standing still on the court, in which case he will be eliminated from the game. Finally, the last participant to reach the objective wins.

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