4 Christmas Stories For The Whole Family – Parenthood

4 Christmas stories for the whole family

Christmas is one of the most special times of the year. It’s a great time to share with the family and enjoy all those little details that make it unique and special. Christmas stories for children are the perfect excuse to sit down and enjoy wonderful stories. They allow the reader to experience the magic of Christmas.

The best Christmas stories for kids

The birth of the baby Jesus

Although Santa Claus is the main character of Christmas in many countries, its true origin dates back to the birth of the baby Jesus. The advantage of this story is that it explains in a didactic and entertaining way the birth of one of the most important characters in history: Jesus.

The birth of the baby Jesus tells the story of the baby’s life from conception. Especially when the Archangel Gabriel visits Mary. He informs her that she would be the mother of the Messiah. Marie and Joseph welcome their son on the night of December 24. It takes place in a barn while a shining star lights up the manger.

This star served as a guide so that the three wise men could come and worship the child.

A Christmas Carol

The Christmas Carol , by Charles Dickens, is one of the great classics of literature. The English writer and novelist has managed to capture the true meaning of Christmas. It is a story rich in anecdotes and lessons.

This is without a doubt one of the most entertaining and informative Christmas stories for children about the real magic of Christmas.

Ebenezer Scrooge, is the main character. He is a very stingy and bitter old businessman who has forgotten the meaning of Christmas. Throughout the story, three ghosts appear. The spirit of Christmas past, the spirit of the Christmas gift and the future Christmas.

Christmas tales

These spirits transport him in different scenarios. They make him see as if by magic aspects of his past, present and future life. As well as those of his entourage. Through this experience, old Scrooge manages to understand and connect with the beauty of Christmas. The latter is nothing other than love and sharing.

The magic of Christmas stories

Rudolph the reindeer

Rudolph the Reindeer is one of the favorite stories of the youngest in the house. This is Santa’s most popular reindeer. The one whose red nose made him the central character of stories, films and songs.

Rudolph the Reindeer’s story is not only entertaining, but it also has a good message for everyone who reads it. Rudolph is a reindeer born with a particularly red nose which bothered him deeply.

His companions relentlessly mocked his nose, leading him to isolate himself from the group and wander alone through the North Pole.

One Christmas Eve, Santa Claus was getting his sleigh ready to distribute the gifts to all the children in the world. Suddenly a thick fog covered the whole earth and Santa Claus was worried because he could not see the chimneys of the houses to deposit the gifts there.

Despite the fog covering the place, Santa could see a bright red light. He began to follow her until he found Rudolph alone. Noble Rudolph happily agreed to be part of Santa’s reindeer group and so, thanks to Rudolph, all the children of the world received their Christmas presents.

The Star of Bethlehem

The birth of Jesus

The star that announced the birth of the baby Jesus is the central character of this beautiful Christmas story for children. This story may not be one of the most popular. However, The Star of Bethlehem is a pleasant read, ideal for enjoying with the family.

It tells the story of Clara, a little shepherdess who cried with sadness at not being able to give any gift to the baby Jesus. Amidst the tears, the little girl observed the reflection of a shining star at the bottom of the well. Then she took a bucket of water and thought of bringing the reflection of the star to the newborn.

However, when Clara arrived at the portal, the roof of the manger did not allow those present to observe the star’s reflection. The ashamed little shepherdess then began to cry. When suddenly one of her tears began to shine with such force that it broke away from her face until she became the brightest star in Bethlehem.

Thanks to this star, the three wise men found the way that would lead them to the baby Jesus.

Christmas stories for children are wonderful stories that bring to mind the real magic of Christmas. These four stories are not only fun and entertaining, No, each of them is a message of union, generosity and love.

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