4 Books To Practice Mindfulness In The Classroom – Parenthood

4 books to practice mindfulness in the classroom

Mindfulness is a meditation and relaxation technique that helps many children control their emotions. In this article, we introduce you to four books on mindfulness in the classroom and describe its importance for children.

Why mindfulness in the classroom?

Mindfulness promotes personal enrichment of students; this translates into a greater ability to concentrate and an improvement in their emotional balance. In addition, this technique helps children control the nerves and impulses that make them fidget.

For this, it is important to make them aware of the reality and to teach them strategies to learn to control their level of activity. Indeed, the child who knows how to relax controls his level of activity and can act with calm and serenity.

Nowadays, we know that relaxation helps to develop capacities. Broadly speaking, these are attention, observation, imagination, perception, memory and concentration. In addition, it helps in the prevention of stress, anxiety and emotional stress.

It is therefore essential to equip children with the necessary tools to deal with all these distractions. In that sense, maybe one of them is a book about practicing mindfulness in the classroom. So to speak, this will allow them to face future situations in a healthy and productive way.

4 books to practice mindfulness in the classroom

Through the following four books you will find an excellent way to initiate attention to children in the classroom:

1. The Magician of Thoughts, by Pepa Horno Goicochea (Original title: El mago de los pensamientos)

First of all, the first of the four books we offer you for practicing mindfulness in the classroom is a beautiful and funny fable. Also, this is a child who has a lot of ideas in his head.

His ideas are so numerous inside him that he does not get out of it. Therefore, the protagonist is afraid and does not know how to stay in control.

Finally, the child meets a person who helps him to deal with situations properly. Therefore, he learns to better manage this type of situation and to know his inner silence.

The book aims to highlight the importance of helping to manage the sensitivity of children and situations that arise, helping to enjoy silence.

mindfulness in the classroom

2. Starlight. Meditation for Children, by Maureen Garth (Original title: Luz de estrellas. Meditación para niños)

Unlike the previous one, this book has an attractive, warm and personal style. It shows through four stories how children can relax, concentrate, develop their intellectual and artistic skills. In addition, it allows them to have a peaceful night’s sleep.

Motivated by the desire to help her three-year-old daughter fall asleep at night, the author of the book offers a series of meditation exercises to strengthen the little girl’s security and self-confidence.

It is a book that includes innovative meditation topics and simple visualizations to help children sleep and calm themselves. It also serves to develop the imagination and stimulate creativity.

3. A quiet forest, by Patricia Díaz Caneja (Original title: Un bosque tranquilo)

Our third proposal is a very funny story, ideal for children and adults. In fact, it is an interesting resource for educators.

It is a very useful tool for children to realize the importance of attention in our daily life. At the end of the book is added a series of activities that will extend some of the moments lived beyond reading.

These exercises, tips and hobbies will help children pay attention to the book.

mindfulness in the classroom

4. Calm and attentive like a frog, by Eline Snel Title

Finally, the fourth proposition: “Calm and attentive like a frog”. This book includes a CD with 11 guided and brief meditations that children can practice daily.

Overall, children should get carried away and perform the simple exercises shown in the book. In principle, it suffices to breathe and oxygenate the brain to be attentive to what is happening in the present moment.

Again, the results of the exercises have beneficial effects for the children who exercise them. They sleep better, they concentrate better, and they feel more secure.

In conclusion, books for practicing mindfulness in the classroom are a perfect choice to help them relax. The responsibility of teachers and schools is to find those who best suit their class.

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