12 Benefits Of Using Dictation – Parenthood

12 benefits of using dictation

How many times have you talked to your child and observed that he didn’t understand what you were saying and didn’t understand or pay attention to you? This undesirable situation can be limited by using interesting tools. One of them is the use of dictation, which we explore further below.

Although it may seem surprising, dictations are very simple exercises, but they have many advantages. Sometimes it is not necessary to look for complex formulas to encourage our children and optimize communication.

Using dictation

Dictation can be boring and routine for the child. Or it can become an ideal and pleasant moment if one knows how to take advantage of its benefits and enhance its qualities.

child with his mother in front of his computer

Think of fun dictations that make your child laugh and encourage a sense of humor, for example. Here is what our children learn with this educational tool.

By the way, you know what a dictation is, don’t you? Remember: you choose a text and read it aloud while your child writes what he hears. It’s that simple and, at the same time, extremely beneficial for the little ones, in the classroom and at home.

The benefits of using dictation

Now that we know how to use dictation, we are going to tackle the topics one by one and see all the benefits that this tool brings to our children. Take note.

Improves logical thinking

The child recognizes and reproduces words which together have meaning and are consistent within a sentence. Thus, their logical understanding is enhanced by understanding the semantic structure of the text.

It stimulates creativity

Children’s creative abilities are stimulated. Indeed, using words, children improve their vocabulary, which increases their ability to better express their emotions, feelings, ideas, etc.

Better concentration, one of the advantages of dictation

This is a very important advantage that is fully benefited if it is also used with children who suffer from disturbance in attention, are very nervous or directly hyperactive. Indeed, this work requires concentration and attention on the part of the child  who must refrain from any outside entertainment.

Dictation promotes memory

Short-term memory is also strongly encouraged  because the child has to remember complete sentences which he will write later in his notebook.

It is also useful insofar as, by expanding his vocabulary, the child learns new words which will already be part of his consciousness for later use in the medium and long term.

Another advantage of dictation: encourages teamwork

Indeed, dictation improves teamwork if it is used between colleagues. In other words, it can be one of the children dictating to the others. Thus, they are obliged to collaborate and act together. It also helps to strengthen the bonds of camaraderie.

Improved reading comprehension

A child who has good reading comprehension also improves his or her ability to understand others. Thus, each time he studies or reads a book for pleasure, he will better understand the meaning and will have an easier time to assimilate the concepts.

Vocabulary enrichment

Dictations allow children to enrich their vocabulary. Thus, they improve their expression, feel more confident when speaking, have an easier time communicating, expressing themselves and engaging in conversation with others.

Greater imagination

The more imaginative the text or the more terms it contains that the child can learn, the more his imagination is encouraged. And the more he is able to imagine much further and expand his vocabulary and his possibilities of dreaming.

Easy to read

Reading will be a vital element in the future life of the child. He will always have to read, at work, in class, for pleasure, etc. Therefore, with dictations we facilitate the present and future development of the child.

teacher doing dictation in class

Improved self-correction abilities

The child learns to correct himself. He discovers that making mistakes is a part of life and that he can fix them at the same time without affecting his safety and self-esteem.

Improvement of oral comprehension

Dictation also improves listening comprehension. Thus, when the child listens to the people who talk to him, he will understand the meaning better.

Dictation promotes reading

Reading is generally a good habit for children. Indeed, they will have to read all their lives, whether in class, at work or for fun. Thus, through dictation, they will achieve a better and greater understanding of the world around them and broaden their horizons, culture and knowledge.

In short, if you get your kids or students to practice daily, you will be able to fully experience these 12 benefits of using dictation and many more. Good luck and have fun!

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