10 Ways To Raise Upbeat Kids – Parenthood

10 ways to educate optimistic children

In a society as demanding and fast-paced as ours, it is difficult to think of raising optimistic children .

However, it is a task that can generate wonderful results when undertaken from an early age. The idea is to train children who are strong, courageous and convinced to be the best version of themselves. But how to do it ? It is not that difficult, nevertheless constant practice is necessary.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. ”

-Winston S. Churchill-

First and foremost, optimism is  the ability to take advantage of challenges, appreciate possibilities, and believe in one’s own abilities. These are some of the essential characteristics that distinguish an optimist from other people. Teach your children to see “the glass half full” by applying these strategies:

Optimistic children: some ways to motivate them

1. Practice Meditation and MindfulnessTeach your children some simple meditation practices, even if you don’t have much experience in this area. For example, you can teach them and explain how to breathe properly by implementing a ritual of 5 minutes a day. This  will help reduce stress, anxiety and strengthen the sense of self-regulation.

2. Involve them in physical activity. Encourage your children to exercise and take an interest in sport as often as possible. Movement is the easiest way to release endorphins  and keep kids energized. Other benefits of sport are teamwork, discipline, and the ability to plan and achieve goals.

3. Develop the value of gratitude. Invite your children to give thanks for the favors and blessings offered by life and others. Spend 5 minutes with the family to name two or three positive things that happened during the day. In this way,  your children will learn to give importance to the reasons for being happy in their daily life and to be optimistic children.

4. Show them your love. The best way to let someone know you love them is to give them time and express it. Make sure you share quality time with your kids every day. Address their problems and concerns and help them find solutions.

In a society as demanding and fast-paced as ours, it is difficult to think of raising optimistic children.

5. Allow them to experience success. When a person experiences the joy of success, they motivate themselves to achieve more. Therefore, it is important to assign homework according to the age of the children and to recognize their efforts.

Other habits for the daily life of optimistic children

6. Be a positive role model. Children imitate the behaviors of people they admire. If you want your child to face life with optimism, show them that you deal with conflict constructively. Teach him to perceive the life lesson that emerges from every difficult situation.

7. Put them away from worries that do not concern them. Young children should not have adult concerns. Wait until your children are old enough and mature enough to talk about adult topics.

8. Give space to pleasure. Often times, we let adult routines be limited to work and household chores. So remember that family fun should be as important as other homework. Families who share moments of fun stay more united.

9. Teach children to use positive language. Human beings tend to use negative expressions on themselves. Change phrases like “math is very difficult”  by  “mathematics require a lot of practice.”

Raising optimistic children from an early age is important in building confident and happy adults.

10. Show them how to put events in perspective. It is inevitable that difficult things will happen in life, and that does not change. What can change is the way you face them. Looking at the different faces of the same person will lead them to stop being victims and become victorious children, optimistic children.


Optimism is an ability for everyday life that will make your children happier as well as better human beings.

Being cheerful and confident will help them transform their surroundings in a positive way. So put these strategies into practice and also become that person who sees the bright side in all situations.

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