10 Curiosities About Left-handed Children – Being Parents

10 curiosities about left-handed children

If your little one is left-handed, he will need more attention to learn and develop. Whether at school or during extra-curricular activities, children tend to stimulate their right side rather than their left side.

It’s up to parents to ensure that their left-handed toddlers develop their dominant side. It is especially important for their growth and education to be patient when they learn to write.

Fortunately, left-handed children are no longer forced to write with their right hands at school! Those days are over.

In fact, it is more and more common to hear this kind of phrase: “Are you left-handed? It’s awesome !” In addition, many artists and athletes are known to be left-handed.

The experts’ opinion

When we dig into the subject a little, we discover with amazement that scientists do not know why children become left-handed or right-handed.

Many scientists believe that this is the result of an evolutionary process in the nervous system. Others tell us that being left-handed is due to hereditary factors, too much testosterone, or stress during childbirth.

Scientists agree on one point: it’s a neurological issue. It happens in the brain.

What you need to know

The brain has two hemispheres: the right, which directs the left side of the body, and the left, which directs the right side.

In the brains of left-handed children, the right hemisphere dominates. This is why they have better control over the left side of their body. This peculiarity differentiates them from right-handed people.

10 curiosities about left-handed children

Left-handed children are more creative.

We have all been interested in this subject at least once in our life. In this article, we answer all the questions you dared not ask about left-handed children.

  1. Left-handed people constitute 10 to 13% of the population. This percentage has been constant since prehistoric times. Why ? We often think it’s a question of culture. In the past, it was frowned upon to be left-handed. Parents did everything to ensure that their children used their right side first.
  2. Left-handed people have an advantage in some sports, such as boxing, football and tennis. According to some research, this is because they have better spatial vision.
  3. There are more left-handed boys (11%) than left-handed girls (9%). We don’t yet know why.
  4. Lefties are often more creative. This would be due to the fact that the right hemisphere, that of creativity, inspiration and artistry, is more stimulated and more active.
  5. Very often in twins one of the two is left-handed. However, it is rare that they both are.
  6. Small, left-handed people often draw figures or portraits that look to the right.
  7. 80% of left-handed children have an ancestor who was also left-handed.
  8. Dyslexia and stuttering are said to be more common in left-handed people. This would be due to the fact that they were forced to write with the right hand.
  9. According to research, connections between the brain and the body are faster in left-handed people. This is why they are more lively and they think faster.
  10. According to a survey by the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease , left-handed children have a harder time dealing with and dealing with negative emotions.

It all depends on the parents

Left-handed children have the right to grow up in peace.

Our toddlers don’t need to be observed as fairy animals or curiosities just because they write with their little left hand.

It is up to parents to guide, stimulate and adapt to them so that they feel more comfortable and free to use their left hand.

Let’s not make the mistake of forcing them to use their right hand. Let’s help them develop their manual dexterity and grow in serenity.

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